Dietary Changes, Supplements for Sciatica

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Bluefriend (Bc) on 06/01/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

I am now pain free from severe sciatica, and I'd like to share the story. First to say that it began about 6 months ago, extreme pain, twice knocking me to the floor with excruciating jabs in lower back, right side. Felt like electric shocks were running down the front of my legs, and feet so heavy at other times I could barely pick my feet up. I did try the pillows, the exercises on floor, and a lot of ibuprofen.

But it occurred to me about 3 weeks ago that pain is caused by inflammation. So I looked up an inflammation diet..... eliminate all sugars and starches which feed
inflammation. And at the same time took 3,000 Vit. D3, 3,000 mg Vit. C and 3,000 Salmon oil with these numbers: 300mg EPA/DHA, each day. After 2 days the pain
had dropped from a 10 to an 8, then on 3rd day of this the pain was about a 6.

Steadily dropped until today, 3 weeks later..... I am totally pain free. I will continue to follow this regime for at least another month. I just want to share this info with anyone suffering the horrific pain of sciatica. This regime may work wonders for you, too.

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