Dietary Changes for Scalp Infection

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Micaela (Buenos Aires, Argentina ) on 06/01/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Scalp Infections With Hair loss:

Change your diet! No more fats, no more dairy.. Diet is everything! I experienced myself! I did a fast, 5 days only water, and itchiness went completely away, after years! Then continued eating raw vegan, perfect, after a few months I started again with gluten (cookies, bread) and dairy and blooom, instantly dandruff and itchy scalp went back heavily, until I started to loose hair (I'm female 28 years old! ) and then I said stop! Did a 2 days fast to cut straightforward, and went back to eat fruit fruit fruit, and cooked potatoes, pumpkin, veggies, but nothing else. No oils at all, no avocado, no chocolate..

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Coregon (Medford, Or) on 11/03/2010
5 out of 5 stars

My friend's 7 year old daughter had smelly scalp and she tried everything (shampoos, etc.), but nothing helped. I suggested she take her to my acupuncturist. She did and the acupuncturist tested her daughter for food allergy and determined it was MILK that was causing the scalp odor. She took her daughter off dairy and within a week all odor was gone and didn't return.