Aloe Vera and Tea Tree Oil for Scalp Infection

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Similar (Arizona, US) on 12/08/2014:
5 out of 5 stars

I had a similar patch on my head and was a bit itchy everywhere else. I used straight Bulgarian lavender on it everyday and it started going away after a week. By two weeks the area had cleared up and I could feel regrowth. P.S. It doesn't have to be crazy expensive like YL or DT. Just Google Essential Oils for soap making and pick a company. Much cheaper and still pure quality.

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Kay (Fl, US) on 05/31/2014:
5 out of 5 stars

Dear Desperate NY: What you describe is "classic" ringworm of the scalp (it is a fungus); there are great photos of this ailment on Web MD. My brother's family picked up a spot on arm & leg; the best/fastest treatment (after trying many) came from the dollar store (in the USA) called "Blue Goo"; found in the foot section, for nail fungus; cost $1.00 for an 4oz bottle (which was enough to treat ringworms, toe fungus, and yellow ingrown toenails too)! It's 1% clotrimazole cream plus tea tree oil. They applied it before bed, let it dry, then climbed into bed, washed it off each morning, after about two weeks; cured!

I tried the remainder on the (lifelong) calluses and ill-formed nails one my funnky little toes; the calluses flaked off and the nails grew out normal!

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Indian Girl (Bombay, India) on 02/11/2013:
4 out of 5 stars

I've had the itchy and smelly scalp problem for over a year. I've tried endless list of shampoos, precribed antibotics, home remedies, etc. Nothing helped. My scalp would itch and start to smell within hours of washing.

Recently I discovered that Tea Tree oil mixed with Aloe Vera really helps.

Mix 50ml of pure Aloe Vera Gel with 20-25 drops of pure Tea Tree oil (not the diluted ones). Apply this mixture on the scalp. Keep it on for about 30-45 mins and wash your hair normally. Do this twice a week.

It's been 2 weeks since, the itch has drastically reduced and the smell has gone. And the aloe vera has made my hair really soft.

Hope it works :-)

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