Homeopathy: Psorinum 30 for Scabies

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Bangalorean (Bangalore, India) on 01/08/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

yea for Psorinum 30

After trying borax for another 2 months, laundry, bathing, etc. For the outbreak of mange in my area, and finally I developed scabies myself in the first week of December. I'm glad of it because I have found a better way to heal mange and scabies (cured 1 dog that was completely blackened and hairless and myself).

I read Peter Morell's PSORINUM http://www.homeoint.org/morrell/articles/pm_psori.htm and followed his protocol of 1 dose of psorinum 30 and to wait 2 months.

The first 5 days the itching was intolerable but within 9 days the scabs dried up. I got patches of scabies around my joints throughout the first month but without much itching.

I recommend this cure since it healed me and a dog already (he's already got most of his hair back) and please read to the end about surface cures, topical creams and aggravations.

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