Niacin for Restless Leg Syndrome

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Anne (Seattle, Wa) on 05/23/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I have used 500mg of Niacin twice a day for years to fight insomnia and RLS. When I ran out of Niacin for a week my insomnia and RLS returned with a vengence. I dug through my cupboards, found some and was asleep 30 minutes later.

Niacin deficiency is pinpointed as the culprit in many neurological issues by Dr Hoffer including ADHD There is rumors of a toxicity issue with long term high doses but many people have taken up to 3000mg daily long term.

REPLY   2      

Wendy D (Houston, Texas/usa) on 06/18/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Niacin (use the non-flushing kind) may work for some people. I read where you can take 50mg to 500mg an hour and 1/2 before bed with food can help. I had a bad couple of nights with relatively little sleep due to my legs and tried all of my usual tricks that didn't work. I bought a 250mg of niacin, opened it and sprinkled about 1/3 into a glass of water and drank it. Last night I slept like a baby.

Niacin is known to give the skin a flush for awhile. I would start off slow to see if you react to even the non-flushing kind.