Iron And Potassium for Restless Leg Syndrome

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Debbie (Portland, Me) on 03/18/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Three weeks ago my naturopathic did a full blood work on me for vitamins and iron deficiencies. My ferritin count was a 2 which is extremely low she put me on 100 mg of iron a day (a combo of Floradix and Iron C) for 6 weeks and my rls has been gone since day one of the regiment. I have suffered with rls for years and this is the only thing I have done different. I give all the credit to the huge iron intake that my body so desperately needed. Ferritin count is so important and regular medical drs do not check it.
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Linda (Orlando, FL) on 02/23/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I have taken potassium supplements for many years (plus iron and calcium) to control my RLS symptoms. It took me a while to find the right balance of supplements, but my RLS rarely keeps me from falling asleep. It still bothers me on long car trips or in a long movie if I'm tired.

I had a sleep study done a couple of years ago, and the doctor remarked at how much leg movement I have in my sleep (even with taking the supplements). He indicated that RLS is associated with low iron. So, I increased my iron a little, and the symptoms improved. I know, however, that the potassium helps because if I run out of it my legs are "dancing" within a couple of days.