Black Walnut Tincture for Ringworm

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Lisa (Pa) on 10/20/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I have had a bad issue with ringworm on the inside of my middle finger. Swollen, dark red, itchy. I applied ACV as I'd seen on some sites. That pulled the toxins out, but it became furiously puffed up afterward, blistered and then a hard crust formed. I could tell the skin was trying to heal. I thought it was done.

A couple of days later, I had a tiny cut on my face between my eye and nose. The fungus spread to my face, then the inside crook of my arm, then the back of my neck. All these were exposed areas, so I started covering the rest of my body with clothes and socks to protect it.

I didn't try ACV again, because it brought the skin to pustules and I read that once they burst, it spreads like wildfire. I think that's what happened to me. So I figured the slow and patient approach best.

I'm a big proponent of natural remedies, and made myself a balm of coconut oil/olive oil/vit e oil/tea tree oil/lavender essential oil. This was soothing, took the itch away for a period of time, but did not stop the spreading (or subsequent reinfections of the same site).

I am currently on the anti-fungal meds from the doc (works ever so slowly and doesn't seem to get rid of it quickly) and tried the steroid cream he gave. Package said to use that for 7 days only so I've stopped that, but that's not enough time to heal this issue.

I turned to online remedies. I tried Blue Star ointment. That seemed to help for a day, but after that it burned my skin and gave me welts, and I couldn't use it anymore.

What does work for me is:

* Selsun Blue shampoo with the scrubbing beads. Great for the lower scalp and back of the neck. Takes away the itching for some time, and is relieving. You can put it on the other sides too but don't scrub too much, since the beads cut the skin (my right hand is super dry due to this shampoo).

* Lamasil. This took away the itching all day for me, and calmed the areas. It doesn't seem to be killing the fungus though. 1x a day after shower.

* Black Walnut tincture. Day one of this and a lot of the redness was gone. Today is day three and I can see my skin color through the ringworm. I can still see redness under the skin so it's still there, but seems to be slowly fading. 3x a day, or dab on if there are small areas that itch/sting after application.

*Dr. Bronner's castille soap with tea tree oil - I use this to cleanse the site between applications. Foam it up and rinse in cool water. I use it at least 3-4 times a day, even on my face. Pat dry with clean towel, and let area completely air dry for a bit. The apply your black walnut tincture.

Internally, I saw a site that said to drink ACV (1.5 tsp to half glass water). So I'm having that daily, along with a teaspoon of Carlson's cod liver oil (the lemon-flavored one).

I also don't let clothing touch the sites (crook of my arm - roll up sleeve or wear really short sleeve shirt that doesn't touch the site) because clothing seems to irritate it, help it to spread and keep in the moisture. I have been sleeping on the couch with towels laid out under me. I sleep on my back with the crook of the arm facing up, so that the air can get to the site. If I bend my arm, within minutes moisture and warmth builds up, and the site reddens and stings. Wash all towels and clothes daily with plenty of vinegar in the rinse.

I'm definitely not scared/panic-y anymore. I was extremely concerned about it spreading more, or me having it forever. I'm not going to say that it isn't going to happen, but at least I feel a little more at ease, seeing it slowly get better daily.

If you have it bad, I think you have to be patient with the remedy that seems to calmly heal this issue. I don't see how these folks can put something on and in two days it's totally gone. Maybe that works for someone who recognizes it when they get it, and they catch it small. However, for those of us who have had it longer, or have larger areas, patience and diligence seem to be key. It seems that different things work for different folks, so try and find what works for you.

I've also seen that gentian violet works well and quickly. I've not been able to find that yet, but if this continues on me. I'll have to order it and try it.

I hope this helps someone. Thanks to everyone who have shared their stories and methods here.