Apple Cider Vinegar for Ringworm

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Idahoinwa (Burien, Washington, United States) on 06/29/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I had ringworm on my belly, chest, and both sides of my neck. I used bleach and it went away, but 2 weeks later it came back. The bleach caused my skin to itch, was not plesant.

This time I tried a mixture of DMSO and [organic] ACV. A mix of 1:1 ratio. On day two it started flacking and was gone in 3 days. PS don't mix a big batch as I only mixed about a teaspoon of each and it got warm when mixed. It mixed it in glass.

I had tried ACV for 3 days but was unable to keep it damp. So used DMSO to take it into the skin. Hope this works for good.

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Gardengirl116 (Gallatin, Tn) on 03/17/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Years ago I had a ringworm on my hand, my mother told me to soak a penny for a day in Apple Cider Vinegar and then put the penny on my hand. Being younger and not wiser , I went to the doctor and got a ton of medicine, finally I tried my mother idea.... It Works!!!! Use a old copper penny and keep soaking with apple cider vinegar. Rub the penny on it about 3x day. Works on mine in 2 days.
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Jake (Florianopolis, Brasil, Florianopolis) on 11/10/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Ringworm and vinegar!

My girlfriend is a vet and she was throwing Itraconazol at me (pill) and cetoconazol (pill) and metaconazol (creme) and cetoconazol (cream) and she thinks I am so dumb.

And one day I looked on the internet and saw vinegar and I tell you what my version of the ringworm hated it and by the next morning he was in retreat and by 3 days he is all but gone running like the coward he is!

The vinegar you just put pure and splash over your corpo whenever you remember to - 5, 6 times per day.


My girlfriend the vet her soluition was shampoos and all kinds of crap and she said I had to wait for 15 minutes with soap all over me... bla bla bla.

Trust in yourself.

Her solution R$200 serious side-effects like liver damage

My solution: R$1 (one liter of vinegar)

She is no longer my girlfriend!

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Pojama (Miami, Florida) on 09/17/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I had ringworm both my feet and hands it was really bad. Tried the doctors (what a joke) many hundreds of dollars later from creams and pills. I read on this site about drinking Apple Cider Vinegar two tablespoons in a glass of water morning and night. After 3 days I saw it improve and after a little over a week it was all gone. And I had suffered for a year and a half.
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Anita (Glenview, Il) on 02/03/2010
5 out of 5 stars

The apple cider treatment worked very well to cure ringworm on my face and neck. It takes a while, possibly 2 weeks, and it does burn, but it really works. I followed with a mild facial scrub to get rid of circle marks and dead skin. Thanks for the help.
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Howard (New York, New York) on 10/22/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Apple cider viniger certainly works its amazing. my son had ring worm as small as a dime it was confirmed by the doctor who gave us a treatment for it. so we used what they gave us and thought nothing of it i never had ring worm or seen it before. i noticed that after a while it was spreading. so i went back to the doctor who then gave him a topical cream and medicine to take for 6 weeks. he then assured us it will be gone. But after 6 weeks only affected the site in a extremely small way. so i brought him back and they gave us a stronger medicine that they said would not only kill ring worm but kill any eggs laying around. but this too did not do much so i took things into my own hands and decided to find the solution before it took over his whole head and thats when i found your website praise God. i learned about ACV and went immediatlly and purchased it along side vick vapor rub. i read how it took 3 to 5 days some for some people but i took a cotton ball and put ACV on it and rubbed the infected sight and immediatly the sight bump got white and big. i let it dry for 7 min and repeated again and the infected sight started to bleed. i let it dry and repeated 5 times my son was really a trooper i can see that he was in pain but he hung in there. after the 5 time i let it dry and removed any blood from the site i was amazed and awwwwed. His head was back to normal i still cant believe it but there it was i stared at his head for 1 hour not believing what just happened. i spent hundreds at the doctor for garbage and the Organic ACV only cost me $2.50. I will certainly keep treating his head for 5 more days to make sure it will not come back and i am giving him 1 table spoon of organic ACV to drink to kill whatever is in his blood.
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Emily (MO) on 04/11/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I used acv on ringworm, it does leave a hole where the ringworm had grown in the skin, a big circle, use polysporin on it for a couple of weeks and you can hardly see it.
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Pedro (Campinas, Brazil) on 11/24/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, I don't have any experience and getting rid of ringworms in pets, but I have gotten rid of it on me! I'm assuming ringworm and athletes foot are the same thing (I'm talking about "frieira", in portuguese).

What I did was soak a cottom ball with ACV and place it on the area (with a bandaid if you have to) a couple of times a day for 30 minutes. I did this while on the computer or watching TV. Once done, clean it with H202. Even better if you can leave H2O2 in the area for a while too.

Do this for a few days and the infected skin will peel of. You can stop doing it once everything is good again, but keep an eye on it as it may take a few cycles to get rid of it.

I did it once, and it never came back.

I also take ACV orally, and I think that is key. Skin problems need to be addressed from the inside as well as the outside.

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John Goldwine (Burbank, California) on 11/15/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I had really bad ringworm on my fore arms and upper arms. I tried coconut oil, It seemed to help but didn't cure it. I then tried the crap from the pharmacy, it didn't do much either, even after a couple weeks. I decided to try ACV since it cures just about everything else. Amazing, it was gone in a couple of days. One word of caution though, I did get a little carried away on my upper arm and it left a pretty bad scar. No more ringworm, and I'm happy about that. ACV is incredible!

Caroline (Alexandria, VA) on 12/11/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I had stated earlier that RX OF KETOCONAZOLE did not work. It is actually worse. What I thought was a spreading of the ringworm was a staff infection likely a reaction TO the Ketoconazole!

On my follow-up call to the nurse practioner had advised to increase the diameter of the medication site by 1 inch. We continued to use it 2x daily vs. the company's recommended daily use. She was not aware that Ketoconazole was causing an infection. ugh.

So, after one more visit to the nurse, we were given a topical (Mupirocin) and oral antibiotics. Being conservative on oral medication, I resorted to an apple cider vinegar treatement and then covered it with the topical antibiotic. The healing was quick. And there were visible results in 2 days as the entries below also experienced. The stinging was most unpleasant for Mom and kid each night and morning but that only lasted a week.

For those who wish details: We used flat cotton makeup pads, organic apple cider vinegar (be sure to shake well for the "good stuff" to mix in). I spread the ACV to the outer edges of the tiny spots on his arm. Used a seperate pad w/ ACV on the ringworm area. And instead of rubbing it, we set the pad for 1-2 minutes on the center of the ringworm. Also, for the 1st 2-4 days we added a teaspn or tablespoon of ASC to his juice. And, I also changed my son's shirts and pajama shirts daily and washed them in very hot water (the washing machine has a sanitize option) with extra rinse--I worried about reinfection which seems common. Perhaps I went overboard but after 8 weeks of dealing with this, I became quite agressive. There is still a mark where the ringworm was. I am hoping for no return. If it does, I'll add an entry.


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