Oregano Oil for Cystic Acne

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Skep (Charlotte, Nc) on 04/10/2012
5 out of 5 stars

For cystic acne, clean your face really well with a mild cleanser... But it must clean off your OIL.. That is what the bacteria likes to eat. Then use a moisturizer with feverfew in it.. Do this 3 or 4 times a day, depending on your oil production. Take WILD OIL OF OREGANO.. 4 drops in 4 oz. Of water.. 1 or 2 times a day. Stay away from all sweet tasting foods... Even sugar free gum. No STARCHY carbs, no potatoes, rice, but sprouted breads - organic- and low glycemic noodles are okay in limited amounts. NO SUGARS, no vegetable oil fried foods. Just use a little butter to saute, if necessary. I have discovered for my son that he really can't handle carbs and sugars. Just staying away from wheat didn't help him and he still broke out. LOW GLYCEMIC FOODS ARE GREAT! ... DO THIS and you should see a difference... Hope this helps... We have had a horrible 3 years. Light ahead!!
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Alicia (Nyc, Usa) on 08/14/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Cysts or cystic acne can be treated with one of these two remedies: oregano oil or apple cider vinegar.


For extremely stubborn cysts: Place enough oregano oil on a cotton ball to cover the surface area of the cyst. (You can also use cotton pads whatever you find works for you) Place the cotton ball on the cyst and secure with a band aid or medical tape. The oregano oil may burn but don't worry this means it is working!

The oregano oil will bring all the fluid to the surface and the cyst will turn from the red or pink color it originally was to a greenish / white puss color. Do not be alarmed the oregano oil is pulling all the impurities to the surface. Soon the cyst will start to drain.

Repeat the cotton ball treatment until the cyst is completely drained. Once it is completely drained cease the cotton ball treatment. Keep the area clean with peroxide and allow it to dry so it can scab over.

While it is scabbed over, keep it clean and help it heal by putting honey on it. Honey can be used in place of petroleum based antibiotic ointments. Honey is a natural antibiotic which will not clog pores, unlike petroleum based antibiotic ointments, and will keep the scab somewhat moist to avoid scarring.

This treatment will take about one week to complete. The cyst will become unsightly, so see if you can arrange to stay home that week or keep it covered with a bandage. It will probable result in scarring but so would any other treatment or lack there of.

After the cyst is gone, wash with a gentle, all natural, non animal fat soap. Use a nickel size portion of olive oil with 2-3 drops oregano oil and 4 drops sea buckthorn oil. Rub together in your hands and spread over skin to prevent cystic acne, cysts, and acne. It will give your skin a yellow tinge so you may choose to use this treatment following night time cleansing only. It will not clog your pores and will aid in healing any scars.


Apple cider vinegar can also be used to clear up cysts. I have never tried it in place of the oregano oil in the above treatment but it may work in lieu.

Soak a qtip or cotton ball in apple cider vinegar. Apply to cyst or hold in place for a couple minutes. This is a slower method than the oregano oil but it does not make the cyst look unsightly, it just dries it up gradually.

You can also try apple cider astringent for a daily cleanser.
Let green tea steep in a cup. Measure equal parts green tea and apple cider vinegar and mix. Pour into glass bottle (has to be glass). Use as an astringent and wipe on face with cotton ball after cleansing.

These treatments can be used for cysts, cystic acne, or acne.