Manuka Honey, Turmeric for Cystic Acne

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SR (Duluth, MN) on 08/15/2022
5 out of 5 stars

Never had cystic acne before but I began getting this lump on my cheek that was brewing for over a month. It was very hard and just growing larger. I finally figured out what is was and came on here to find remedies today because it started sticking out quite a bit more and the skin looked like it was breaking and was yellowish deep under the skin and soo red around it but nothing came out but liquid. I didn't want to mess with it too much.

After looking though the comments I decided to try organic turmeric powder (from my spice cabinet) mixed in Manuka honey (Kaimai Gold 100+moc, I got it from TJ maxx of all places). Anyway, I mixed it up, applied the paste, then stuck a bandaid on it in the afternoon. By bedtime I went to wash and it off and change it, took the bandaid off and right away thick pus came out. I couldn't believe it! Washed it good then put more paste on and am keeping it on overnight. Truly amazed it worked so quickly. Hoping this on overnight will help pull out whatever is left. If I ever have to deal with this again it will be my first go-to remedy and now I'll be able to treat it much sooner.