Razor Bump Remedies

Modified on Apr 11, 2021 | Earth Clinic Team

Razor bumps can be treated in a variety of ways including simple lifestyle changes as well as topical applications. Drinking more water, getting enough sleep and managing stress help eradicate skin reactions by eliminating toxins and boosting the body’s natural defenses. Topical applications also help to reduce swelling and relieve pain associated with the condition.

What are Razor Bumps?

Also known as pseudofolliculitis barbae, razor bumps are a condition that presents as small, irritated bumps on the skin. These bumps generally develop after shaving and often occur as the result of individual hairs curling and growing back into the skin. These bumps frequently cause skin irritation, acne and scarring. While any individual may develop razor bumps, people with tightly coiled hair are most likely to develop the condition.

Natural Remedies for Razor Burn

Treating the burn and bumps associated with shaving takes a variety of forms. While discontinuing shaving for a time is ultimately the best option for treating razor bumps, other natural treatment options also offer relief. Aside from cleansing the system with water and supporting body with plenty of rest, natural supplements including ginger, hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol also help treat the issue.


Ginger is a common spice that is also regularly used in treating health conditions. Ginger is a potent anti-inflammatory agent, so when it is applied to the skin, it relieves inflammation associated with razor bumps. The compound also softens the skin, minimizing the appearance of bumps.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. When used as a skin toner, hydrogen peroxide eliminates toxins that may be contributing to razor bumps. The compound also helps relieve inflammation associated with the condition.

Rubbing Alcohol

Much like hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol is an effective antibacterial and anti-inflammatory option. Rubbing alcohol can also be used as a toner applied directly to the skin. This application relieves inflammation, removes toxins and even releases ingrown hairs.

Razor bumps are a frequently irritating and uncomfortable condition. With minimal treatment; however, the condition can be relieved and even prevented from reoccurring.

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List of Remedies for Razor Bumps