Prurigo Nodularis Remedies

Modified on Dec 09, 2022 | Earth Clinic Team

While prurigo nodularis is somewhat difficult to treat, many natural treatment options have been identified as effective. Bath soaks, exposure to sunlight and certain dietary changes offer relief from outbreaks of the condition. Certain natural oils, such as emu oil, are effective for softening and relieving the skin.

What is Prurigo Nodularis?

Characterized by firm, itchy lumps on the skin, prurigo nodularis is a progressive skin condition. Lumps generally range in size from 1 to 3 cm in diameter and have a raised, warty appearance. The condition often begins as a somewhat small, red , itchy bump that spreads to include more lesions. The cause of the condition is unknown at this at this point but scratching does exacerbate the disorder.

Home Remedies for Skin Lesions

Eliminating infection, minimizing itching and reducing inflammations are all important factors in treating prurigo nodularis. A variety of home remedies have been identified as effective for treating the condition. Salt baths, sunlight and dietary changes are among the most effective treatment options available.

Salt Bath

A bath in sea salt or even a trip to the ocean is an effective treatment option for minimizing prurigo nodularis. During a soak, the salt water penetrates the pores and is absorbed into the blood stream. This salt helps remove accumulated lactic acid in the body, eliminated infection and dries out sores.


Exposure to the sun also has a rehabilitating effect for treating prurigo nodularis. When exposed to the sun, the skin releases a compound called nitric oxide, which helps stimulate blood flow and lower blood pressure. This compound also functions to remove toxins from the blood as it enhances blood filtration.

Dietary Changes

Dietary changes are another component used to manage this skin condition. Identifying and eliminating trigger foods is the goal for treating the condition through diet. Many individuals benefit from limiting soy lecithin, artificial sweeteners and gluten.

Nodular prurigo is an aggressive skin condition that manifests as very itchy firm lumps on the skin. While it is a condition that is relatively difficult to treat, many natural options offer relief of the condition.

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List of Remedies for Prurigo Nodularis