Prostate Cancer

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Fenbendazole and B17 Amygdalin for Prostate Cancer Prevention

AZJJ (AZ) on 04/08/2024
5 out of 5 stars

As part of getting ready for old guy prostate surgery, a TURP, I had a PSA test, came back high at "9". UroDoc quickly ordered a MRI. Since most guys my age have "some" cancer in their prostate, it will likely lead to a needle biopsy, then... who knows... radiation? Chemo? I did a lot of research and found a great article that really helped me chill:

I also found amazing information on both Fenbendazole and B17 Amygdalin, as excellent cancer killers, with many testimonials confirming cures from various serious cancers. Look for info and videos from G. Edward Griffin, who wrote "A world without cancer" and John Robinson on B17... info on Fenbendazole can be found mostly on sites like Bitchute that don't censor info for Big Pharma...

I do not believe that I have prostate cancer, but due to the PSA test, which I will soon repeat on my own, outside of the UroDoc's office... I will probably refuse the MRI... but I will take both Fenben and B17 as preventive measures... at 67... only makes sense. B17 can solve a lot of other problems too... look into both!!

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Juicing for Prostate Cancer

Guilford (AL) on 07/11/2021
5 out of 5 stars

I went on a vegetable juice diet when I had prostate cancer. The doctors kept wanting to remove my prostate but they said the cancer was slow growing. I told them I thought my body could heal itself when I ate the right foods. My PSA was higher than normal and they wanted to remove it but my prostate wasn't getting any larger. Finally, they checked after a few years and after a biopsy, the doctor told me to forget about prostate cancer and that I had never had it.
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Juicing for Prostate Cancer

Diane (Ca.) on 07/11/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Dear Earth Clinic,

This helped my husband with his prostrate cancer problem and is a true story!

My husband met a Preacher that worked in the Philippines. During their conversation my husband told him about his prostrate cancer and how he might need surgery, the Preacher told him that in the Philippines some people could not afford to go to doctors so they started juicing fruits and vegetables and this juicing was getting the people well from their illnesses!

So my husband started juicing fruits and vegetables.

Recipe for one juice:

Use mostly carrots, a quarter to half a beet, 2 to 3 stalks of celery, and a half to whole cucumber.

The juicing has to be processed in a JUICER not a blender. He also juiced fruits, spinach, or other greens. You can also use raw potato, and raw sweet potato (all good for you).

Drink about 12 ounces 2 times a day at least. My husband did this for one year and when his doctor had him take an MRI before his surgery he called my husband and said; "Don't do anything! Your cancer is so small it will never give you trouble! It's not going to kill you, you will die of something else." And my husband never had the surgery or radiation pellets and is fine today! He has no problem whatsoever with his prostrate! Juicing worked for my husband!

Thanks, Diane

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GCMAF for Prostate Cancer

Anne (France) on 07/11/2021
4 out of 5 stars

Hi. My husband has been treating prostate cancer for 12 years. natural remedies need time to work. We started with amazon tonic which reduces inflammation. It was good and we still use it. However, we decided to go to the root cause of what was causing the inflammation and why we couldn’t stop it.

Research brought us to naglease which kicks in when cancer is in the body. Naglease prevents the macrophage from working. Macrophage eats inflammation.

We decided to buy GCMAF which attacks the naglease. GCMAF is basically made with dairy and expensive to produce. We then researched unpasteurised milk, fermented milk and probiotics as we realised we could make it ourselves. Unpasteurised Fermented milk is whey and has all the protein and every amino acid your body needs which supports the immune system. before pasteurisation milk was always the go to for natural cures.

My husband has stage 4 prostate cancer.

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Supplemental Iodine for High PSA

Dano (Idaho) on 07/12/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Supplemental Iodine has helped bring down a high PSA. The prostate is rich in iodine. Drs. Brownstein and Sircus have more info on their sites. Raw dandelion root extract and stinging nettle root extract have both been proven clinically effective at lowering a high PSA. Best wishes for healing.
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Ivermectin for Prostate Cancer

ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 07/11/2021


ORH here and pretty sure I have prostate cancer so I's taking the dog dewormer. Got two friends that have pancreatic cancer and they both are going the allopathic route and both will die an horrific death. John's Hopkins says stage 4 of pancreatic cancer has a 1 % cure rate. I am a simple person and play the odds. 1 % is not too sporty in my book. I have explained it all to them. I have been on this kick for some 15 years and have few converts. They all do what the Allopathic doctors tell them to do. My big problem is my heart. I am in CHF. My electrical doctors have no clue so they want to check out the plumbing thing. I am now doing another 30 EDTA Chelations after I had zero plugage at age 77. You want to start some sheet..... then tell your heart doctor that you are doing chelation. I am just old and it is time for me to die, but I don't want to go out until I squeeze out the last little drop. That is soon.


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Carlos Hernandez (Fountain Valley, Ca. USA) on 06/04/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Writing to thank Deirdre Layne for founding Earthclinic!

I have used many of the treatments and remedies for years with much success.

The most amazing cure is Bill Munro's hydrogen peroxide inhalation method. I spoke to Bill when he was 83 years old on the phone. I recommended his treatment to one of my long time friends and it cured his prostrate cancer in about 6 days!

I have since then helped over 30 people cure themselves and that makes me so happy to hear their reports! Baking soda or organic apple cider vinegar also work!

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Steve (Or) on 10/08/2019
5 out of 5 stars

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy

After my doctor did a PSI test was 3.5 and then two months later for some reason did it at one of the Five Point day were concerned they did it another two months and it went up to 14 V the doctor was saying I had prostate cancer.

I did the heavy dosage - 25 drops of 3% in 8 oz of water three times a day in and went back for oh yes it was 4 months later.

My doctors don't know what happened cuz my prostate was down to 2.1 and they say I don't have cancer no more so I believe in it.

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Carlos Hernandez (Fountain Valley, Ca. USA) on 06/04/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Writing to thank Deirdre Layne for founding Earthclinic!

I have used many of the treatments and remedies for years with much success. The most amazing cure is Bill Munro's hydrogen peroxide inhalation method. I spoke to Bill when he was 83 years old on the phone. I recommended his treatment to one of my long time friends and it cured his prostrate cancer in about 6 days! I have since then helped over 30 people cure themselves and that makes me so happy to hear their reports!

Baking soda or organic apple cider vinegar also work!

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Steve (Or) on 10/08/2019
5 out of 5 stars

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy

After my doctor did a PSI test was 3.5 and then two months later for some reason did it at one of the Five Point day were concerned they did it another two months and it went up to 14 V the doctor was saying I had prostate cancer.

I did the heavy dosage - 25 drops of 3% in 8 oz of water three times a day in and went back for oh yes it was 4 months later.

My doctors don't know what happened cuz my prostate was down to 2.1 and they say I don't have cancer no more so I believe in it.

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Multiple Remedies for Prostate Cancer

GC (Ashland, Oregon) on 08/02/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Multiple cures for prostate cancer

I had a significant amount of blood in the semen after several years of an enlarged prostate. Over a three week period of no sugar, carbs or alcohol, juicing huge quantities of raw vegetables, eating large amounts of raw ginger and turmeric, as well as a baking soda/blackstrap molasses protocol over an eleven day period and taking 1000 mg of niacinamide per day and Fresh Green Black Walnut Wormwood Complex for parasites, I am clear.

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Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda for Prostate

Charles (Kelseyville, Ca) on 01/09/2018
4 out of 5 stars

My name is Charles. I was diagnosed and treated with IMRT Radiation in 2012 for Prostate Cancer. In January (about) 2016 my PSA began to increase. Long story short ,I went to a Natural Practitioner as I read years before about hi dose pro-oxidative Vitamin C and began the treatment. I was already on a diet and he added organic foods. I read about Baking Soda and ACV in the dose of 1/8 tsp and 2 tsp but I don't add water. I do it on an empty stomach as the first thing then followed by other vitamins for absorption. My wife is saying I should not do this long term but I don't see a problem. Has it helped me? Too hard to say with all the prayers and other supplements and juice I take. It is a full time job to keep up my health. I feel fine and thank Jesus every day for that. I think at times I should have done this instead of radiation but it's too late now. Hope this is some data you might use. God Bless you all!
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Prostate Cancer Testing, Treatment, Exploitation and Dangers

Jj (California) on 10/05/2017
0 out of 5 stars

Men beware!

Created January 5,2016. Revised October 3,2017

Read the sad truth about prostate cancer testing and treatment, exploitation and dangers.

Your life or your quality of life may depend on reading this document.

Prostate cancer dirty secrets, lies, exaggerations, deceptions and elder abuse.

A prostate cancer survival guide by a patient and victim.

Men, avoid the over diagnosis and unnecessary treatment of prostate cancer.


The man who invented the PSA test, Dr. Richard Ablin now calls it: "the Great Prostate Mistake, Hoax and a Profit-Driven Public Health Disaster".


In my opinion:

Read the hard facts about prostate cancer testing and treatment that no one will tell you about, even after it's too late. This is information all men over 50 should have. Also, anyone concerned about cancer in general, dangers from clinical trials, injuries and deaths from medical mistakes, exploitation, elder abuse, HIPAA laws and privacy issues should read this document. Prostate cancer patients are often elderly, over treated, misinformed and exploited for huge profits by predatory doctors. The testing, treatment and well documented excessive over treatment for profit of prostate cancer often results in devastating and unnecessary side effects and sometimes death. At times profit vs. QOL (quality of life).

Facts per some studies:

1. Multiple studies have verified more harm and deaths caused from prostate cancer testing and treatment then from prostate cancer itself.

2. Extensively documented unnecessary testing and treatment of prostate cancer for profit or poor judgment by some doctors in the USA.

3. Medical mistakes are the third cause of deaths in the USA (over 251,000 deaths a year, over one million deaths in 4 years) more then suicide, firearms and motor vehicle accidents combined.

4. About 1 man in 6 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his life.

5. About 233,000 new cases per year of prostate cancer.

6. 1 million dangerous prostate blind biopsies are performed per year in the USA.

7. 6.9% hospitalization within 30 days from a prostate biopsy complication.

8. About 1.3 to 3.5 deaths per 1,000 from prostate blind biopsies.

9. .2% to 1.2% deaths as a result of prostate cancer surgery.

10. A study of early-stage prostate cancer found no difference in surviving at 10 years whether men had surgery, radiation or monitoring (no treatment).

11. Low risk Gleason 3+3=6 "cancer" lacks the hallmarks of a cancer yet it is often aggressively treated.

12. Prostate cancer patients are at an increased risk for chronic fatigue, depression, suicide and heart attacks.

13. Depression in prostate cancer patients is about 27% and 22% at 5 years, for advanced prostate cancer patient's depression is even higher.

14. 75% to 90% of oncologists would refuse chemotherapy if they had cancer.

15. The National Cancer Institute says approximately 40 to 50% of men with low to moderate grade Prostate cancer will have a recurrence after treatment.

16. 62% to 75% of bankruptcies in America are because of medical bills.

Excuse the generally accurate humor and sarcasm. Its intent is to entertain and educate while reading this possibly laborious text.

Prostate cancer patients are often elderly and exploited for profit, the treatments offered has horrible side effects, and newer treatment options are either unavailable or not offered to patients or available outside the USA. Prostate cancer is often slow growing and of low risk and can just be monitored. Often no treatment is the best treatment. Over testing and treatment has been verified by numerous experts, studies and investigations, documentation, etc.

$Follow the money$: If a surgeon is financially responsible for a building lease, a large staff or an oncologist is also responsible for a lease on multimillions of dollars in radiation treatment equipment, do you think they would be more or less honest about the benefits and hazards of treatment? Do you think the profit margin would compromise some doctor's ethics? Typically, what is the purpose in over testing and treating a cancer that often will not spread and the testing and treatment frequently causes lower QOL (quality of life), ED, incontinence, depression, fatigue, suicide, etc if it was not extremely profitable? The medical field is alluding to the fact that prostate cancer testing and treatment may do more harm then good. The U.S. Advisory Panel is now recommending for prostate cancer PSA testing and screening: for men 55 to 69 “letting men decide for themselves after talking with their doctors". For men over 70, no testing at all is recommended. However this may not protect men from predatory doctors exploiting them. Patients usually follow a doctor's recommendation. Do you think any regulatory agency will stop the exploitation of elderly men with a high PSA or prostate cancer or approve new treatments at the risk of financially bankrupting thousands of treatment facilities and jeopardizing thousands more jobs? Do you think any regulatory agency will set guidelines for testing and treatment at the risk of upsetting the doctors who are profiting from over treating? Some drugs and treatments for prostate cancer and ED are kept very expensive and newer or less expensive and effective drugs and treatments are seldom approved, for maximum profit. Prostate cancer patients are often elderly and exploited for profit, the treatments offered has horrible side effects, and newer treatment options are either unavailable or not offered to patients or available outside the USA. Prostate cancer is often slow growing and of low risk and can just be monitored. Often no treatment is the best treatment. Over testing and treatment has been verified by numerous experts, studies and investigations, documentation, etc.

A 12,18 or 24 core blind biopsy, holey prostate! One million dangerous prostate blind biopsies are performed in the USA each year and they should be banned. Men with a high PSA tests result are often sent to an urologist for a blind biopsy. Men should be told about other options: Percent free PSA test, 4Kscore test, PCA3 urine test or a MRI, 3D color-Doppler test before receiving a blind biopsy. These tests can often or always eliminate the need for a more risky and invasive blind biopsy. Insertion of 12,18 or 24 large holes through the rectum into a gland the size of a walnut, a blind Biopsy can result in (per studies) pain, prostate infections, a risk of permanent or temporary erectile dysfunction at about 24% (Biopsies cause about 240,000 cases of ED a year), urinary problems, hospitalization from infections and sometimes even death from sepsis (About 1.3 to 3.5 deaths per 1,000 from blind biopsies). There is also debate that a biopsy may spread cancer because of needle tracking. A blind biopsy can also increase PSA reading for several weeks or months, further frightening men into an unnecessary treatment. Blind biopsies are almost never performed on other organs. One very prestigious hospital biopsy information states Notice that your semen has a red or rust-colored tint caused by a small amount of blood in your semen". Another large prestigious hospital states “Blood, either red or reddish brown, may also be in your ejaculate." These statements are often an extreme exaggeration (mostly lies). Very often after a biopsy a man's semen will turn into a jet black goo. This could be an unpleasant surprise for a man and especially for his unsuspecting partner. However if a biopsy is performed before Halloween or April Fools' day this may be of some benefit to a few patients. If some very prestigious hospitals are not factual about the color of semen, what other facts are not being disclosed or misrepresented? Never submit to a blind biopsy.

Bone scan scam: Prostate cancer patients are often sent for a bone scan. A bone scan has about a 13% chance of having a false positive and only 3 men in 1,000 have bone cancer who have a bone scan. Bone scans may often be unnecessary in lower risk prostate cancer patients.

Low risk cancer patients or patients with advanced age are often sent for aggressive treatment by some doctors when monitoring is usually a better option. An extreme example of overtreatment is one SBRT radiation clinical trial. Prostate cancer patients (victims) where intentionally treaded (fried) with a huge dose (50Gy total, 5 fractions) of radiation resulting in disastrous long term side effect for some of these men. The typical SBRT dose is 35 to 36.35 Gy, 5 fractions. A large percentage of prostate cancer patients in this clinical trial had low risk prostate cancer and may have not required any treatment at all.

Clinical trials may or may not be hazardous to patients. The goal of a clinical trial is to gather information; the intent is not necessarily to help or cure patients. In a clinical trial, if someone is given a treatment that will harm them (as in the above example) or given a placebo in place of treatment or needed treatment is withheld, the patient may be deceived or harmed. Investigate before you participate in any clinical trial. Often drug company's get your information from medical databases and pharmacy information to lure people into clinical trials, soliciting people with letters and postcards. This is often a HIPAA violation. If you call about a clinical trial your phone conversation may be recorded “Calls may be recorded for training and quality purposes" including your medical and personal information. Even if you do get a safe and effective treatment, it may not be available to you after the clinical trial is over. If the trial is for a drug, you will not be told if you are getting a drug or a placebo until after the trial is over. Patients can be harmed by a clinical trial.

Your privacy and confidentiality is just an illusion: You may have little privacy and confidentiality! Under the HIPAA law all access to your records is allegedly by a “Need to know" basis only, this is another exaggeration (lie). Prostate cancer patients are asked to fill out a series of EPIC questionnaires and other standard questioners. The EPIC questionnaire asks several intimate details about patient's sex life, urinary and bowl function. By a prostate cancer patient completing an EPIC questionnaire may be able to assist his doctor, nurse, office workers or database track his progress or decline. By refusing to fill out these questioners and supplying other unnecessary information one can help insure his privacy, dignity and insure he do not unknowingly become part of a study or clinical trial or other collective survey or have his information forwarded to multiple databases. He may be told these questioners and records are “strictly confidential" (as stated in some EPIC questionnaires); this statement is misleading. Most of the time a patient has no idea who has access to medical records or why the records are being looked at. Who has access to your medical records? Probably everyone that works in a medical office or building has access to the records, except you (often you the patient may have limited or no access without a formal request). Access may include/however not limited to non-medical employees, office workers, bookkeepers, janitors, insurance companies, temporary high school or college interns, volunteers, etc. This may also include other medical facilities, programmers, hackers, researchers, etc. Usually records are placed on a Health Information Exchange (HIE) or servers. Dozens, sometimes even hundreds or thousands or more people may have access to medical records. Some major databases like SEER (Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results) are linked to Medicare records to determine “end results" for researchers, studies, drug companies, clinical trials offers, etc. Servers, both government and privet are sharing information AKA “health surveillance". Health information may be shared and downloaded by millions of entities and servers all over the USA and the world to countries that do not have any regulations for privacy. Your prescription history can also be tracked. Records may be packaged with others and offered for sale, this does often happen on “the dark web". If a doctor, patient or insurance company is involved in a criminal or civil case, medical records may become public court or law enforcement records. Your records can be acquired by insurance companies. If a patient has radiotherapy he may have a photo taken before treatment to verify identity. All patients should get a copy and read any confidentiality disclosures statements (HIPAA statements). Financial and medical Identity theft is a growing problem, often expensive and difficult to correct. Ransomware is also a growing problem. Under the HIPAA laws you are entitled to a copy of all your medical records, however if you try to obtain a copy of extensive records as in a hospital stay you may be met with resistance. I recently went to a new optometrist for glasses and I was given a form that asked details about my heritage, including my mother's maiden name and a form for my complete medical history. Your records can also be accessed by anyone (trainees, volunteers, students, high school interns, minors and adolescent people as young as 16 years of age, etc) “for training purposes" or any other reason, all without your consent. This gives kids a chance to play doctor and nurse in a real doctor's office with real patients. A list of what a high school intern is allowed to do to patients: “learning simple medical procedures, watching surgeries, shadowing doctors (including seeing patients, possibly you), working in hospitals, interacting with patients, and more." They can also read all records about your prostate problems, your wife's hemorrhoids and your daughters yeast infections or any files for any patient, all within the HIPAA guidelines. These people do not have to be employed by the facility or have a background check. My family doctors office has summer time high school interns with full access to all records. One high school intern signed me in, took my temperature, weight, blood pressure and logged it in my file. Would you like to have a high school or college student that possibly lives in your neighborhood or attends school with your children read over your extensive family member's medical records and personal information? How much curiosity or self control does a high school or college student have? I also went to a hearing aid center in a department store to get a free hearing test and was given forms inquiring about personal information and my complete medical history. This is information I do not want filed in a department store. All patients should avoid supplying unnecessary information whenever possible. Supply relevant information only when filling out forms. In the USA identity theft is very common, growing problem and is often financial devastating. Medical forms can be a good source of information for thieves. Recently my friend with arthritis in her hips received a letter offering a clinical trial for a new medication; coincidently looking for patients with hip and knee arthritis. How did this company determine she and not her husband or other family member was a prime candidate for this new drug study without violating any HIPAA privacy laws? Numerous exceptions (loopholes) appear within the HIPAA laws regarding you privacy. Even without HIPAA privacy law violations, records can be accessed by multiple people and appear in multiple databases. Sometimes medical phone calls are recorded “Calls may be recorded for training and quality purposes". Calls about a clinical trial, calls to a large clinic toll free number, calls to drug companies and calls to insurance companies may be recorded. These conversations can include confidential or medical information. Some of the Obamacare goals sought to have everyone's medical records on servers so they could be accessed by any medical facility or doctor. HIPAA laws are deficient and often will not protect your privacy. Your privacy and confidentiality is not that secure. I believe the medical field has little regard for our privacy, especially if it is in conflict with training, research, studies, profit or other objectives. If you're a public figure, celebrity, rich or famous you may be subject to numerous people wanting to see your medical records. Also if you are known to or an acquaintance of anyone with access to your records (neighbor, co-workers spouse, etc) they would possibly (or probably) want to have a look at your medical records. On May 6,2017 Dear Abby did an article on this subject, “Snooping into medical records". You are naive if you believe otherwise or that your records are secure. The same also applies to pharmacies and your prescriptions, labs, etc.

A patient's dignity (or lack of dignity): Prostate cancer testing and treatment is stressful, degrading, demoralizing and often unnecessary. EPIC questionnaires can be counterproductive impact a patient's dignity, privacy, confidentiality, and self image. EPIC questionnaires probably have an increased potential and greater impact on patients for privacy violations because of its format, nature and personal content (potential for HIPAA privacy law violations). Patients may mistakenly believe the EPIC questionnaire is a requirement to be filled out. Also the term “strictly confidential" can be misleading and ambiguous. One patient posted he filled out and turned in his “strictly confidential" EPIC questioners only to have every female office staff member read it and ogle him. Resulting in him not filling out any more EPIC forms or any other forms and he stated that he became very uncomfortable and evasive with the entire office staff. The drawbacks of this form seem to outweigh any potential benefit for some patients. Medical tests and procedures can be degrading and embarrassing for both men and women. Many women prefer or will only see female doctors or gynecologists, about 50% to 70%. Over half of men prefer a male doctor. (Per some respected doctors: Men stay away from medical care in large numbers because of privacy and dignity. Per surveys, nurses and medical staff often laugh at and ridicule patients. Many men still avoid medical care because of embarrassment. Honest answers will often not be given if asked by a female doctor or nurse.) What percent of men will feel comfortable consulting a female doctor, nurse or office worker about his prostate problems, ED, etc or would want an invasive test or procedure performed by a female?

The most common treatment options for men with prostate cancer are radiation, Brachytherapy, surgery, cryotherapy and hormones (ADT). Sometimes chemotherapy, immunotherapy and castration (orchiectomy) are used. A combination of treatments is often used. Most or all of these treatments have long term or short term side effects. Often men are not told about all of the true risks and side effects or they are downplayed for both a blind biopsy and treatments.

LDR Brachytherapy is permanent radioactive seed implant. This treatment procedure implants about 60 to 120 radioactive seeds in the prostate, sometimes resulting in urinary problems. The patient will literally become radioactive for months and up to 2 years. The patient may set off radiation alarm at airports. He will also be required to use a condom, have no close contact with pregnant women, infants, children and young animals or pets for months or longer. Occasionally he may even eject radioactive seeds during sexual activity or urination. The patient will become like a walking Chernobyl, having radioactive scrap metal and emit radiation from his crotch. He will also be required to carry a card in his wallet stating he is radioactive. If he dies he can not be cremated for one year after treatment The videos of this procedure seem to be disturbing and bizarre. A catheter will also be required for a short time.

ADT Hormone therapy, big profit$, devastating side effects: Lupron injections is one of the most common. Men are also prescribed hormone therapy (ADT therapy), AKA chemical castration as an additional or only treatment. Hormone (ADT) therapy is sometimes over prescribed for profit, per some studies. Hormone therapy is often very expensive (Profitable for doctors if provided at the doctors office and not a pharmacy) and can have horrible, strange and devastating side effects, feminization, hot flashes, fatigue, weight gain, ED, depression, etc. His penis could shrink and his testicles can completely disappear, he may grow breasts. This treatment can have so many mind and body altering side effects that doctors will often not inform patients about all of them. One man stated that ADT therapy turned him into a menopausal woman. Men are sometimes castrated (orchiectomy) as a cancer treatment to reduce testosterone. Amnesty International calls chemical castration “inhuman". ADT therapy is often used in sex reassignment surgery, male-to-female transsexuals. Studies (Medicare and financial) have documented doctors do over prescribe ADT therapy for profit (depending on Insurance payout rates/profit margin). When insurance payment reimbursement for ADT decreased so did the number of patients being prescribed ADT therapy! Per Wikipedia: “in patients with localized prostate cancer, confined to the prostate, ADT has demonstrated no survival advantage, and significant harm, such as impotence, diabetes and bone loss. Even so, 80% of American doctors provide ADT to patients with localized prostate cancer." Overtreatment with ADT is extremely profitable, unfortunate and avoidable.

Nerve sparing Robotic-assisted DaVinci surgery is touted as being a better treatment and having fewer side effects, this is usually an exaggeration. The nerves can not always be spared. Robotic surgery can result in a faster initial recovery. Long term risk of incontinence, fatigue, ED, depression, some men will ejaculate urine, shorter penis, etc is about the same as conventional surgery. Patients undergoing surgery are at a very small risk of developing post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and about a 22% chance of long term or permanent fatigue. A catheter will be required. Also .2% to 1.2% risk of deaths as a result of prostate cancer surgery or medical mistakes. Patients can have unrealistic expectations about the results and regret the surgery or any treatment option. The ED rates and other side effects are often understated to patients.

Patients should not be naive: Medical mistakes are the third cause of deaths in the USA (over one million deaths in 4 years). Medical mistakes cause more deaths then suicide, firearms and motor vehicle accidents combined. Countless other patients have been harmed by medical mistakes. If you are having surgery, biopsy or a procedure take precautions if possible. Have someone qualified or knowledgeable monitor you and your medications, etc. Doctors, nurses and technicians can be profit motivated, use obsolete procedures, be lazy, incompetent, make mistakes and be apathetic or rushed. Occasionally harm can be done or not prevented with intent. Drug abuse is often a problem with some medical workers because of easy access. Doctor's offices and clinics can see many patients in a relatively short amount of time. This may be a disadvantage to patients, empathy and quality of care can sometimes be compromised. Sometimes a nurse, medical assistant or an office staff member may be the person that overseeing much of a patient's care. I personally know of or have had contact with at least 14 nurses and other medical staff that I would consider dangerous: incompetent, dishonest, lazy, abusive, mentally disturbed, sadistic, drug abusers that work in doctor's offices, labs and hospitals. Most of these people did not have a name tag and supplied me with a first name only when asked for a name. I am now sure modern medicine protects the blameworthy and incompetent, also victimizes the naive patients. I now understand why medical mistakes are the third leading cause of deaths in the USA. I now believe some or most of the deaths and injuries are preventable or intentional. TV and sometimes the public seem to idolize doctors, nurses and caregivers; however the health care profession has about the same amount of abusive or incompetent workers as other occupations. I have also had excellent doctors and nurses. However this may not protect you from the bad ones. What are the main reasons nurses get fired: 1. Prescription drug abuse (because of easy access to drugs). 2. Too many mistakes. 3. Code of conduct and privacy violations. 3. Bad attitude. 4. No proper licenses 5. Abuse of patients. Patients should be aware that sometimes QOL (quality of life) may be secondary or an absent goal in treatment. Sometimes overtreatment for profit or to prevent an unlikely death or metastization from low risk cancer may be the primary or the only goals of prostate cancer treatment.

A blind biopsy or treatments are often worse then the disease: Testing and treatment often resulting in Chronic/permanent fatigue, incontinence, depression, sexual dysfunction and sometimes death. Hormone therapy does have an extensive list of side effects that can be devastating for men. Biopsies and treatment are degrading, stressful and often unnecessary. Many men may not be prepared or have unrealistic expectations about the outcome, physical and psychological impact of testing and treatment.

The risk of long term chronic and permanent fatigue (that can result in depression) is almost always understated if mentioned at all too many patients. Per some studies and depending on your treatment; the risk of long term or permanent fatigue is about 25% to 60%. Radiation with Hormone therapy has a high risk of fatigue. Long term fatigue also increases the risk of clinical depression and suicide.

In my opinion: Castration, ADT hormone therapy (chemical castration), LDR Brachytherapy (radiation seed implant), radiotherapy, surgery, chemotherapy and blind biopsies are often psychically and emotionally brutal, traumatic and disturbing. These types of treatments are primitive and almost beyond belief in today's world of advanced technology. Newer treatments like, HIFU, hyperthermia, Conexus, Boron Neutron capture therapy, Gold Nanoparticles, PARP Inhibitors, Platinum, focal Ablation (only treating the cancer and not the entire prostate) and orphan drugs (dichloroacetate, etc.) should be approved and used when appropriate. Biopsies should be limited to selective MRI guided samples only; blind biopsies should never be performed. Per some studies vitamin D3 May help control PSA and prevent prostate cancer from becoming aggressive.

Lipstick on a pig: Approved advances in prostate cancer treatment mostly consisting of newer, faster and more accurate radiation treatments, robotic surgery and new drugs. These advances sound like greater strides have been made. However most of these approved advances are of limited benefit to prostate cancer patients and still have about the same amount of long term side effects. Compared to other technologies, computers, communications, electronics, aviation, etc, cancer treatment approved advances have been dismal. The National Cancer Institute wastes about 3 billion dollars a year on PSA screening that can be used for research and true cures. QOL (quality of life) issues have not been adequately addressed. Profit often outweighs QOL.

Prostate Radiotherapy (EBRT-external beam radiation therapy) for cancer treatment. New technology consists of: IMRT, SBRT, IGRT, VMAT, TrueBeam, Cyberknife, etc. This newer, faster, more accurate and easer to setup radiation equipment is of much benefit for doctors, staff and a good selling point to patient's. However as far as reducing long term side effects, only small gains have been made with the newer radiotherapy equipment. A patient should be skeptical if exaggerated claims are made about reduced long term side effects, especially fatigue and ED rates. About 25% of radiotherapy patients can expect an alarming temporary “bounce" (spike) in the PSA value after treatment. Patients should inquire as to the treatment plan: Gy dose and fractions, margins, testicular dose, constraints and age of radiotherapy equipment to insure excessive radiation exposure treatment is not given that can result in additional side effects. Patients should be aware that pelvic shaving, permanent tattoo markers, fiducial marker (small seeds) are sometimes placed in the prostate, MRI, CT scan, photographs, catheters and other procedures may or may not a be required. Radiotherapy can also occasionally result in secondary cancers and damage to “organs at risk" (organs close to the prostate). Radiation has high probability of sexual dysfunction and fatigue, just as high and sometimes higher with the newer equipment. ED rates estimated at 35% to 75% or higher, 93% at 15 years. Somet

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Preparing for a PSA test

Jeanie (Ca) on 06/30/2017
5 out of 5 stars

Preparing for a PSA test

My husband went for a long overdue physical. He is healthy and on no medications. The doctor gave him an exam and sent him directly to the lab for blood work. When his PSA result came back it was at a disturbing 9.34. The doctor referred him to a urologist at a cancer institute. The appointment was 3 weeks away.

He started right away to alkalize his body with the baking soda (1/2 teaspoon) and molasses (1 tablespoon) remedy twice a day. He also limited acidic causing foods. He started taking 1 cayenne pepper capsule, 1 Turmeric, and 1 garlic capsule twice a day, and Saw Palmetto once a day.

The urologist did a digital exam (DE) and told my husband to be retested, but had him wait 6 days before the test. He explained that the DE itself raises the PSA results. He explained that the prostate is so sensitive that it takes very little to agitate it. So, after research here are some other things my husband did for six days.

No bicycle or motorcycle riding. No sex. He wore loose fitting pants. He did not mow our lawns because he uses a rider mower. He also went fasting to the test.

The results came back yesterday at 3.6. A great number for someone 73 years old! The urologist had told him that he did not expect the number to change very much and was already discussing a biopsy.

Men, insist that you are either able to have blood work before the exam or are able to wait at least 4 days after a digital exam before being tested.

Thank you Earth Clinic for a place to come for empowering ideas!

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Prostate Cancer - Update from ORH

Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/22/2017


HI U GOOD FOLKS DOIN,,,,,,, me, I'm back in control. The Oncologist told me today that the only way to determine if I have cancer or not is to do a biopsy . I don't know much, but I do know that cancer mastastizes when it gets too dense or a dumb ass doctor takes a biopsy. Either way it turns all hell loose in your body. I am such a Redneck that I don't buy in. I choose to cure my problem by natural means and let my immune system do the dirty work. Or..... I go out naturally. Hell man, I'm 80 and that is far better than most. I'm running out of crap to do. I just keep repeating and repeating. I think the bugger is bottled up in my prostate so why not leave it there and attack it using pH, ORP, ozone, juicing and such. Know I've 'bout worn all out on this subject. I'm in deep dodo, but I don't look at it that way. This is just another challenge in life. It is a thrilling thing to accept and win or lose. I am not going to get hoof and mouth disease. No pity party. I am going to have a ball understanding and defeating this problem. Follow me and learn what to do or what not to do. I've told all that since my first post many years ago.

ATS ======ORH========

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Black Seed Oil for Prostate Cancer

Danny (Franklin, Tn) on 03/15/2017
5 out of 5 stars

In reply to a thread on the COPD page..

I too was diagnosed with aggressive Prostate cancer. Instead of the baking soda and maple syrup, I got off all sugars, breads, carbohydrates. I took one teaspoon of Black Seed Oil made from cumin and a drop of raw honey. I swished it around in my mouth and swallowed it on an empty stomach at bed time. 4 months later the doctor did another biopsy. He could not find the cancer. My PSA dropped dramatically. Urination is much better. No negative side effects.

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Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Molasses for Prostate Cancer

Fawyd (Nador, Morocco) on 11/13/2016
5 out of 5 stars

For my kidney stone stuck at my uretea; 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar dissolved in 8 oz of water before breakfast and after lunch and dinner, AND for my prostate cancer stage 4;

2 table spoon [bigger than tsp] baking soda and 2 table spoon of molasses OR honeybee syrup 8 oz of water, mix and drink before lying to bed, why?? well, muscle must relax..

Now I'm free of those 2 nightmare of my life but I still keep taking those DOSE to make sure I'm free. check ur urine PH

My expenses; 268 pesos for molasses

263 pesos for Apple Cider Vinegar 21 pesos for baking soda total- 552 pesos

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Hydrogen Peroxide Helping Prostate Cancer - Should I Use Probiotics?

John (Poland) on 06/27/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am currently using HP therapy to cure the prostate cancer. Results are excellent, last month I got a psa factor down by 50 units (from 325), I am very energetic. I'd like to ask a question: Is there a NECESSITY to use probiotics to restore the bacterial flora in the stomach (I drink diluted HP) or (for women) some way to restore bacterial flora in vagina if she is using a HP douche.

I'll appreciate the answer. Thank you in advance,


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Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Molasses for Stage 4

Primopascual (Philippines) on 10/26/2014
5 out of 5 stars

For my kidney stone stuck at my uretea; 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar dissolved in 8 oz of water before breakfast and after lunch and dinner, AND for my prostate stage 4; 2 table spoon [bigger than tsp] baking soda and 2 table spoon of molasses OR honeybee syrup 8 oz of water, mix and drink before lying to bed, why?? well, muscle must relax..

Now I'm free of those 2 nightmare of my life but I still keep taking those DOSE to make sure I'm free. check ur urine PH

My expenses; 268 pesos for molasses

263 pesos for Apple Cider Vinegar 21 pesos for baking soda total- 552 pesos


Re: Hydrogen Peroxide for Prostate Cancer and More

Bob (California) on 07/25/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I used the 35% (drops in a glass of water), drank it according to "Benefits of drinking Hydrogen Peroxide, " by Dr. Williams. It cured my Prostate cancer. Also relieved my arthritis and joint pain.