Postpartum Depression for Postpartum Depression

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Jewel (Stanwood, Washington, United States) on 10/15/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I accidently came upon this cure after having my third child. I had suffered severe postpartum depression with my first and second children to the point where I was barely able to leave the house for months. With my third, I realized right away that she was intolerant of dairy and because I was breastfeeding I switched to organic soy milk. The fog of depression had just started but when I started drinking soy milk, I noticed that on those days I felt like myself. I didn't connect the two until I talked to my counselor about it and she brought up the fact that soy has natural estrogen and so unknowingly I was balancing my hormone levels. I continued to drink it as needed and have not dealt with post partem depression at all since. I hope this helps someone.