Frankincense Essential Oil for Postpartum Depression

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Melanie (Mountain City, Tn) on 05/20/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I was 10 months into a bout of postpartum depression when I accidentally stumbled across Frankincense essential oil. I was testing it out before using on my granddaughter to treat vaccine induced seizures. The first time I applied it (3 drops, neat), I became light-headed and tired and knew something was happening. Within 2 hours of the initial application, I felt so good that I applied more. Within 4 days, the weight of the depression lifted! For about 4 more weeks, I practically bathed in the stuff because it made me feel so good. It is now 7 months later, and I apply 3 drops about 1x/week because it has so many therapeutic properties that I treat it like a supplement. While I can't say it's a cure-all, it's pretty close. By lifting the "weight" of the depression, I was then able to tackle my Vit D deficiency and I now am tackling my iodine deficiency. I never in a million years would have expected a condition so mysterious to be so debilitating, but it is, and recovering requires baby steps.