Rosemary for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

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Anon (Not Canada) on 06/25/2020
5 out of 5 stars

I have had ptsd-like symptoms for many years. Rosemary has been a huge blessing.

Coffee and green tea work somewhat, but rosemary is perfect. Just the scent of it is enough, but I make tea with a teaspoon of dry herb once a day. One cup lasts all day. After drinking it for a few days I didn't need it this morning.

Cake and peanut butter seem to be triggers for whatever reason. Certain smells in the air, too. I actually breathe shallowly for that reason, so I can't smell anything.

Recently I reduced my intake of copper (Alas sweet chocolate and peanut butter! ... One day we shall meet again... *sniffle*) and added high dose vitamin C, diatomaceous earth, molasses for iron, and zinc and selenium.

Only rosemary helps the ptsd.

Going vegan remedied the social anxiety :)