Binder for Hysterectomy - Post-Op

5 star (1) 

Showing 5 Star Reviews

Jean (Florida) on 04/10/2019
5 out of 5 stars

After a total hysterectomy I wish some one would of told me about a binder in the months- after healing.

Most hernias happen the first year. I was lifting 50 and 40 lbs of cat and bird food...after operation I waited but at 6 months I started dragging food, big mistake. I feel if I had a belt I would of been fine. I had an incisional hernia , which was now 5 years ago . I wear a belt all the time, now. Nite is a lighter less tight belt. I still drag things around- never lift or pull heavy objects keep weight close to my body if lifting 20 to 25 limit. The surgery almost killed me trying to recover at 55 -no more operations unless I must. I can live this way. With surgery I could of been my friend, having 4 operations after her hernia mesh caused infections.

We make choices, she was in her 50's also.