Garlic for Polymyalgia Rheumatica

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Helen (Canada) on 10/06/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Polymyalgia: Hello, I had PMR, and got rid of it.

My DNA is from Northern European stock. In 2007 I started losing weight, was in extreme pain, couldn't sleep and was diagnosed with rheumatic. My blood specialist wanted me to take prednisone for 2 years, I took it for about one month saw a hurbalist who said she could get me walking I lived on pain killers, boiled roots and bark herbs and had acupuncture for the pain. Still no avail. Someone mentioned garlic and I remembered that my mother used a lot of raw garlic. A clerk at a health store helped me find out how much organic odorless garlic my body weight could tolerate. Nine months later my blood specialist said I didn't have to come back and I that garlic was wonderful.

It has been 6 years and I am still PMR free.