Aloe for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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Joy (Athens, Greece) on 03/28/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I want to share a miraculous remedy for delayed periods. In times of anxiety my period just disappears (once for whole 6 months)and this is not good. My doctor gave some pills in order to ovulate, but I just like the natural way better.. A friend of mine, is like a natural remedie expert, and gave me the follow remedy:
-Smashed Fresh aloe vera leaves (the gel inside)
-Honey (enough)
-Liquor or vodka (2 tbs)
Mix the above ingredients until you have something like a syrup.
Drink just a half glass of it, and in 4 days maximum your period will come. You can drink this mixture once a month in order to regulate your period. It works every time.