Apple Cider Vinegar for Poison Ivy

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DK Clausman (United States) on 07/09/2019
5 out of 5 stars

Poison Ivy Rash Around the Eyes

How you may ask. Well we have an outside cat who when inside likes to jump on my lap when watching TV. I rub my eyes unawares at the time that the cat has been though the stuff. Waking up in the morning with one eye nearly swollen shut…bummer. My wife swears by the All Terrain Poison Ivy/Oak Bar.

I washed with cold water and allow the lather to remain on the affected area for 1-2 minutes, or as long as I could stand before it began to seep in my eyes. I felt immediate relief after using the soap and the washed area is squeaky clean.

Using ACV via dabbing with a cotton ball provided some longer term relief from future itch.

I diluted the ACV 1:1 with water as full strength burns the sensitive skin on the face. The swelling went down the same day and I can see out of the swollen eye. To address the dry, scabbing skin around my eyes, I applied a controlled and careful amount of Desitin Skin Protectant. The itch is gone though I still have some discoloration a few days later.


Carol (New York) on 07/22/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I recently had poison ivy for 2 weeks. I tried everything I could get over the counter, nothing worked. One night I was desperate. I applied regular apple cider vinegar I had at home. I took a cotton ball and soaked it in the apple cider and applied directly to my skin. I did not dilute it. That night I could sleep well for the first time. Next morning it was almost gone. I just applied for 3 or 4 times that day and no more itching. It was cured in one day!
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Michelle (Milwaukee,wi) on 08/06/2013
5 out of 5 stars

This was the only thing that helped dry out my poison ivy. It wasn't instant but I could see the improvement each day. If there was any itching, baking soda mixed with the ACV seemed to help but I feel that ACV on it's own is most effective.

David (Grapeland, Texas) on 07/18/2008
5 out of 5 stars

After two weeks of using calimine lotion for a severe posion ivy rash and found little to no releif, I used acv on the same rash that I had on my arms. I was reluctant thinking that it would burn but I was so desperate that I tried a topical application and I got almost instant releif from the itching. With continuous applications several times a day the rash dryed and healed. there wasn't any burning and I found it very soothing. I read somewhere that the Isralites practically lived off of vineger and garlic while in Egypt and where very healthy. David , East Texas

P.S. I just remembered that I also used acv for dissolving calcification of kidney stones. Suffering two weeks with birthing pains in my back from kidney stones I finally went to the doctor where after x-rays he determined that I did indeed have several small BB sized kidney stones . Of course he wanted to schedule me for surgery go up in me to retreive these stones in a basket type apporatise and $1500.00 later I would be ok. I told my mother and she said she removed hard water deposits from her coffee pot with vinegar. so I took a couple of table spoons of vinegar and within 30 min. to an hour the stones passed.