Poikiloderma of Civatte Remedies

Modified on Jun 12, 2018 | Earth Clinic Team

Treatment of poikiloderma of civatte includes treatments that both eliminate fungus and reduce inflammation. Hydrogen peroxide and other oxidizing substances eliminate fungus. Likewise, many natural supplements serve as effective treatments of inflammation including fish oil and cod liver oil.

What is Poikiloderma of Civatte?

A skin condition described as primarily cosmetic, poikiloderma of civatte is characterized by weathered patches of skin on the sides of the neck and chest. The condition is most common in older females is believed to be caused by cumulative skin damage. Common symptoms of the condition include red appearance of the skin, skin lightening and darkening, mottle blotches of skin, hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation.

Natural Remedies for Fungal Infections of the Skin

Treatments for fungal infections vary; however, some of the most effective include hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Other natural substances are also effective for treating skin conditions, particularly those with omega-3 fats. Other vitamins and minerals also support healthy skin and prevent imbalance.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide serves as a natural antibacterial agent. The hydrogen and oxygen in the compound break down and oxidize the system, making it an unsuitable environment for fungus and other bacteria. This process heals the condition from the inside out and eliminates imbalances that may be causing the issue.

Baking Soda

Detoxing the liver and alkalizing the body is another component of treating this skin condition. Baking soda helps achieve this level of detox as it neutralizes fungus and any other toxins in the body. Baking soda aids in maintaining an appropriate level of carbon dioxide as well as pH in the body, serving as an effective antifungal agent.

Omega-3 Fats

Fish oil and cod liver oil are also suitable components of a treatment regimen for various skin conditions. Omega-3s serve as anti-inflammatory agents, which relieve inflammation of the skin and other areas of the body.

Poikiloderma of civatte is a skin condition that involves the appearance of “weathered patches” on the neck and chest. While the condition does not present a grave health concern, it can be unsightly and uncomfortable. A number of natural treatments can be used to relieve and remedy the condition entirely.

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List of Remedies for Poikiloderma of Civatte