Hydrogen Peroxide for Pneumonia

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Marsh (Colorado) on 02/07/2023
5 out of 5 stars

Great news to share! I came down with a nasty bug that turned into pneumonia (thanks to my doc who didn't do anything after a week and I was too out of it to think or come here). Since when the lungs start feeling odd, I nebulize with colloidal silver and also Bill Munro's HP Therapy. Knocks it right out. Bought a travel nebulizer and don't leave home without it.
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Robert (California, US) on 10/05/2014
5 out of 5 stars

My advice the quickest way without all that complicated whooey - take antibiotic with a concentrated amount of green tea. Had pnemonia for 3 days, almost died becuse the bactera became resistant. Take 4 bags of green, tea steep in water, do not boil but get it hot enough to leech out tea; let it cool. Now you might get lit off the caffine but I survived by takeing the antibiotic and tea at the same time. What you"ll notice in less than five minutes is your infection will break. This is because the tea will kill bacteria, viral and fungal forms of pnemonia. Antibiotics will be boosted by 300%; don"t say it won't work it will! And repeat a smaller dose tommorow of the tea along with antibiotic or medication given.
REPLY   5      

Roula (Arlington, Viginia, Usa) on 02/10/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I want to join this discussion because my 3.5 year old is currently suffering from Pneumonia. He had a miserable spell during the sleepless feverish night, so after reading up on this site, I tested the HP we have at home with water using the recommended methods on this site, and it looked clear. So I sprayed about 3-4 times in the back of his throat (he didn't mind it at all! ). I helped him blow his nose minute later and a lot of snoots came out. Then I witnessed his cough completely stip, his face relaxed, and he fell back asleep.

A few hour later, he woke up again feeling pretty lousy and very warm bodied. He was having a coughing fit for ten minutes and was exhausting him.. I gave him a few more squirts of hydrogen peroxide. The cough almost immediately stopped again and minutes later he got a spark of energy and said he wanted to get up. We blew out snoots as before, then he walked around a little bit, and snuggled on the couch and fell asleep peacefully.

I started a topic on HP in the humidifier just now. What do you all think?


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Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/31/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Breathing thru a mouthful of VERY DILUTED hydrogen peroxide, helped me for lung issues (and nose, throat). DO NOT SWALLOW.