Garlic for Parasites

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Gloria (Midland, On) on 09/27/2020
5 out of 5 stars

I would like to identify the type of parasite. It was a single worm inside the rectum biting me. I used raw garlic on my feet at night for another reason and I could feel the parasite getting into a frenzy. It went on a biting spree and finally died. Unable to locate any info on what I had.

Garlic can burn skin and should be diluted with oil.

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Sacha (Panama) on 04/29/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Hello... I started feeling parasites climbing up my feet and took me some time after trying many other alternative to find the power of GARLIC oh delicious garlic the one thing that has stopped then for longer time from climbing up on me. What I do is chew the garlic very small and put it on the entire floor of my feet including my toes and inside my toe nails. I am in the process to use it in my scalp to eliminate them from my scalp. I swallow garlic as well 3 times a day is important to know that garlic burns fat.. so in my case it goes against me because I am thin... I am planning on keeping this process goin on for a month or 2 after I get them out of my system.