Msm for Pain

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Donald B. (Ma) on 09/02/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I would like to comment on a problem that I had with my thumbs and right leg. I have worked construction all my life and was suffering with heavy pain in my thumbs and leg to the point that if I was shopping with my wife I would have to sit down every two or three min. to bring my leg back to life and ease the pain. I started taking a supplement called MSM and within three weeks the pain in my thumbs and leg was gone. I have been taking it for five years now and find that even when I work in the yard doing heavy lifting the pain that I would have normaly have gotten from doing this is no longer a problem.

Thank you for this site, I came here to try and help my honey with her RLS and we will try the bar of soap tonight.

I am 68 and feel better than I have for most of my life. I pray that this helps even if it is only one.

P.S. I take 1 MSM in the morning and 1 at dinner time.

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Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 11/25/2007
5 out of 5 stars

To Sandy: For all those other aches and pains - I swear by MSM - this is what our' bodies convert DMSO into. Remember all the controversy over that one. I have been taking it several years with nothing but good results, however I did read on EC where someone said had bad reaction. You can google to read about it before you try. It is akin to sulphur, but I have no trouble with it despite being unable to take sulfa drugs such as Bactrim.