Avoid Artificial Sweeteners for Pain

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Sylvia (Tillsonburg, Ontario Canada) on 08/21/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I was suffering unexplainable joint & muscle pain and, at least, 70% of my pain disappeared when I eliminated Aspartame in my diet. I have done great research on Aspartame and it poisons people. All diet products contain Aspartame and it is in over 5000 food and beverage products.
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Pam (Columbus, MT) on 06/09/2007
5 out of 5 stars

To say I was horrified as I read all the info about aspartame on this website is an understatement!! I too was a diet coke drinker for years, anywhere from 2-5 a day. In the spring of 2004, I began experiencing severe pain in my left heel. As it got worse, I got a cortisone shot. The first shot worked great. However, about 5-6 months later when I started hobbling around again (I teach in an elementary school and am constantly on my feet)the second cortisone shot did not work. I used to use castor oil to treat carpal tunnel syndrome acquired during my previous employment. Or was it aspartame poisoning? Anyway, the castor oil worked really well--I massaged the foot every day for over 6 months, and then I read something in our local paper's "Ask the Doctor" column about a woman who had burning and pain in her feet, and she quit drinking diet coke. So did I, and lo and behold my symptoms started disappearing. I made the mistake of drinking a couple of diet sodas with Splenda (after reading all this I see that's not such a great idea either), and while the symptoms haven't been as proounced, I'm going to quit those too. I still massage my foot about every two weeks or so, and, oddly enough, the pain has moved from my heel to the top of my foot around the ankle area. I'm hoping all this will go away once I've eliminated splenda also. Thanks to everyone who took time to write---what an eye-opener!!