Dietary Changes for Ovarian Cysts

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Claudia (Menifee, Ca) on 10/16/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Relief to Ovarian Cyst and PMS Symptoms.

For many years I have suffer from extremely painful periods and all of the usual symptoms, bloating, water retention, upset stomach, etc. etc. About a month ago I had an ultrasound and it was confirmed I had ovarian cyst on both ovaries, the one on the left one was big, I don't know the exact size. Anyway I came home with a Dr's prescription for a medication that was supposed to help ease the symptoms and shrink the cysts, but after reading the side effects (cases of high levels of acidosis on some women) I decided not to take the medicine. On the last 5 to 6 weeks I've drastically change my diet to a High vegetable intake all trhoughout the day, veggie juice in the morning, veggies in my eggs, high fiber cereal, home made gazpacho at least a couple of days a week, fish, chicken and lots of veggies for dinner, I switched from regular milk to almond milk, low fat yogurt (in moderation) nuts such as almonds and sunflower seeds for snacking. No red meat, no fast food, pizza, fried chicken,sugar,bad carbohidrate, soda and specially coffe. Lots of water with some lemon juice and a hint of baking soda. I also did the beet/molasses drink twice a day for two weeks. Today I'm on my second day of my period, and haven had to take a single pain killer, no bloatting, or upset stomach, just mild cramps like it should always be, I'm taking herbal teas for comfort and easing symptoms. I'm so thrilled about it, (I don't look pregnant anymmore), I've lost over 5 lbs. and feel very calm and light. I will continue following this natural approach, and continue educating myself, I'm not sure if the cysts will ever go away, but the symptoms are definately not the same anymore. I'm going to get another ultrasound in a few months and then I'll be able to see if there has been a change on size and amount of the cyst, maybe they'll be gone! Good luck to everyone, and thank you to all the people that have provided valuable information to this subject.