Algae Calcium, Dietary Changes for Osteoporosis

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Cristina (La Coruña, Spain) on 03/23/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I had severe osteoporosis on hip and spine and was diagnosed last year. My doctor recommended Prolia injections as I was 53 at the time and after looking into the side effects I was determined to do something different and not poison my body.

I started taking a supplement, which is calcium from seaweed and strontium together with many other minerals (boron, magnesium..). I also started doing safe exercise daily (walking for half an hour or more). I took collagen and magnesium every single morning and night with a little orange juice and, mostly important, eliminated gluten from my diet. I had already eliminated dairy years before.

This year I had a very high improvement of bone density, my doctor couldn't believe it! I still am taking all this things because I still have osteopenia but my osteoporosis is disappearing slowly and I feel great!

Please look up calcium from seaweed because the body assimilates it properly. The strontium helps and the collagen and magnesium are very very important for strong bones.

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