Oral Tumor Remedies

Modified on Jun 21, 2014

Treating oral tumors requires changing the body composition to prevent the overgrowth of unhealthy cells as well as eliminating any toxins. Natural treatments are effective at accomplishing both of these tasks without damaging the healthy cells. A number of supplements can be used to achieve beneficial results and reverse growth of an oral tumor.

What is an Oral Tumor?

Oral tumors occur anywhere in the oral cavity and may arise from the bone, teeth or soft tissues. Common symptoms include the appearance of a mass in the oral cavity, increased salivation, blood in the saliva, bad breath, swelling of the face, bloody nasal discharge, difficulty eating and loose teeth. Several factors contribute to the onset of oral tumors including smoking, tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, family history of cancer and excessive sun exposure.

Natural Remedies for Treating Oral Growths

Oral tumors are typically the result of the proliferation of unhealthy cells. As such, changing the body’s pH to prevent such growth is effective for treating these conditions. A number of options are available including baking soda and apple cider vinegar, methylene blue and milk of magnesia.

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    List of Remedies for Oral Tumors