L-Theanine for Neuropathy

5 star (1) 

Jt (Minneapolis, Mn) on 07/17/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Mark, I hope you are feeling much better now after several years.

I know I'm a bit late in the game and I don't know if I am quoting something that I shouldn't be from the web but it comes from world-renowned Dr. Russell Blaylock who is a retired neurosurgeon. He found some success in treating P.N. with L-Theanine in higher doses. I quote him: "I tried L-theanine, a natural substance isolated from green tea, on a person suffering with unrelieved, intense postherpetic pain (which sometimes follows a shingles infection). By the next day, my patient dramatically improved and by the second day showed 90 percent improvement."

"L-theanine is a mild stimulant for glutamate receptors and keeps glutamate from full activation, which acts to tame excitotoxicity. L-theanine has a good safety profile, even in very high doses.

Suggested dose: 200 mg three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. It can also be increased to 400 mg three times a day if needed.

L-theanine is also helpful with sleep and reduces anxiety/depression. Combined with other anti-inflammatory flavonoid supplements such as curcumin, quercetin, resveratrol, luteolin, hesperidin and ellagic acid, the results can be even better."

God bless,


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