Applesauce for Nausea

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Treed (Cambridge, Ohio) on 05/07/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I am 7 weeks into my 3rd pregnancy and got on here to look up remedies for my nausea. When I saw applesauce it reminded me that I used to eat a tablespoon of it everyday when I felt nauseous with my last baby! So, thanks for the reminder, now I have to go get some LOL.
REPLY   3      

Christy (Henderson, KY) on 02/01/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I have been sick for the past few days with a stomach bug and sinus infection. I have been using steam to loosen the sinus' up and it has worked well along with the antibiotics; then the stomach bug sat in and I started vomiting non stop with nausea so bad I couldn't stand up or move to fast w/o vomiting.

I tried all the remedies on here for nausea (ACV, cold washcloths, baking soda) I even tried Pepto, and they all caused to to puke more. After having nothing to eat or drink (held down anyway) for over 4hrs, I went into the kitchen and got out cold organic applesauce, and started eating small spoonfuls and within 30 mins, my nausea stopped; and I haven't puked since. I ate about a tsp every 5 mins or so for 30 mins.

I dunno if it is just the antibiotics finally starting to work, or if the applesauce REALLY did work, but either way; I thought I would pass this on, since I remember my Mom making me eat it when I was sick and it made me feel better; and thought it would be good for kiddos, and people that the other things didn't work for.

Thanks again for the great ideas and remedies Earth Clinic!