Probiotics for Eczema

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Steve (Naples, Florida) on 03/17/2011
5 out of 5 stars

The problem with Eczema is that it is usually a systemic problem caused by an overgrowth of candida. So one has to adhere to a strict diet of meats, vegetables, and salads until the rash is gone. Avoid anything that is sweet including fruits. Also avoid potatoes, pasta, bread, rice, mushrooms, cereal, dairy products, etc. Absorbine jr. works to kill the candida ( fungus ) from the outside but if your diet is poor it will keep coming back. Take probiotics in addition to absorbine jr to accelerate the dieing off of the internal candida. Apply the absorbine 4 times a day and take one packet of probiotics per day. If you are over 50 yrs old like I am , you need to take betaine HCL with each protein meal ( 2 - 600 mg tabs ) because most older people's stomachs do not produce enough HCL and undigested protein enters the blood and the body produces addition candida in the gut to counter the problem. I did all of these things and within 2 weeks my eczema was completely gone.

The medical industry is so corrupt that they think eczema is a genetic problem that each patient has to endure for life. They give you steriod products that only attack the symtoms and the same time it damages healthy tissue. Avoid doctors like the plague. Thank God we have this forum to help get thr truth out. Thank you earthclinic!