Addison's Disease Remedies

Modified on Jan 04, 2021 | Earth Clinic Team

Addison’s Disease is a condition in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough hormones like cortisol and aldosterone. This condition affects both sexes and is not associated with any particular age group.

Addison’s Disease is sometimes referred to as adrenal insufficiency.

Symptoms of Addison’s Disease can include weight loss, low blood pressure, darkening of the skin, low sodium, low blood sugar, fainting, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and depression, and pain.

Natural Remedies for Addison's Disease

Because Addison’s Disease can be severely debilitating and even life-threatening, you should work with your healthcare professional closely, especially if you are considering supporting your health with natural remedies. Because hormone balance and electrolyte balance are critical to life, make sure changes you make to your routine are approved by your doctor.

Addison’s disease can be caused by an autoimmune response, damage to the adrenal glands, infection of the adrenal glands and cancer that spreads to the adrenal glands. These things can lead to “Primary Adrenal Insufficiency” where the cause is rooted in the adrenal system. Worldwide, tuberculosis is a common cause of Addison’s Disease.

“Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency” would be when another condition, like a pituitary gland problem, causes the adrenal insufficiency. Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency can occur if you suddenly stop taking corticosteroids for conditions like asthma or arthritis.

Significant stress, an accident or a sudden turn for the worse in health (as in the flu) can cause an adrenal crisis, which can be a life-threatening complication of Addison’s Disease.

Natural remedies may be useful for supporting the health of those suffering from Addison’s Disease, but hormone replacement and open communication with your health professional are imperative.

Read on to see what our readers have learned about coping with their Addison’s Disease and what natural remedies and supplements have helped them.


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List of Remedies for Addison's Disease