Gluten-free Diet for Rheumatoid Arthritis

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Happy & Painfree (Canada) on 01/19/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I had rheumatoid arthritis quite badly. Tremendous amount of pain, however my joints were not yet deformed. I was told by someone to stop eating all forms of wheat due to the amount of gluten contained in it. There are other grains as well, not sure what they are. Well, it was one of the most frustrating and also rewarding things I have had to do. I was told to stop totally, for at least three weeks. At the end of about two weeks, I realized I was no longer in pain!!!

I had suffered severe heartburn for 20+ years. A doctor told me to use antacids for the heartburn. I believe this is actually what caused the arthritis as it forced my body to digest and used something it did not recognized as food (GMO). When I stopped using the antacids. Now, I will get heartburn from eating anything with gluten in it, then throw-up, usually within a short time. When I do accidentally ingest gluten, (a small amount) the first place I notice it, is my big toe joint on my right foot. It gets swollen and red, but the damage is not permanent. There are some very good gluten free products out there now, for which I am very thankful!

You can also find a list of common allergens, sometimes it can be milk, mushrooms, etc. I think the elimination process works for most of this type of thing! Happy and painfree!

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Sasha (Los Angeles, Ca) on 05/01/2012
5 out of 5 stars

My friend aching joints diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. She went from doctor to doctor no answers She saw a naturopathic doctor who told her she was allergic to gluten. She stopped all gluten products and all the symptoms disappeared!