Dietary Changes, Apple Cider Vinegar, Herbs for Rheumatoid Arthritis

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Windy (Morison, Tn) on 05/17/2010
5 out of 5 stars

To Phoenix,

Thank you for the interest. Let me say there is a place for everything at certain times, even a steak, if you have not been able to accomplish the protein intake required due to being unable to eat! There is a difference between a Cure and Managing your Arthritis. If you want to manage, you change your diet drastically. If you want to Cure the disease you must kill the bacteria or flush it out! It is the only way. A cure will be hard core and Great discipline will be needed. Most of us have to work up to this. We have to convince ourselves it works and it is worth it. Supplements contain so many buffers that prevent absorption, so if you need to take supplements for a while try to get pharmaceutical grade. I have a problem with my Thyroid which means I lose my appetite sometimes if my discipline falls away. We have to protect the body at all cost. Just because you do not have pain does not mean you have stopped the damage! The body's environment must be changed so that certain bacteria can not live there. This is the Cure. And it is easier said than done! Our own Enzymes can help us do this. Our problem is our bodies do not produce enough of these enzymes to do the trick, so we replace them with Raw Foods that give us this ability. Grain sprouts ground in a blender with some Tofu and Pear does this beautifully. Once a day, every day! This starts your body off right. You have the enzymes and the proper PH and the pear helps to adsorb everything. I am far from being Cured, however the way I look at life and Feel about life has helped my body cope. This change came from better nutrition, not from being pain free! When I need to I drink carrot juice or what ever. The dark green veggies are too acidic (they run Hot)and if your body gets to a point of being very sensitive you will be able to feel this. I have been so bad that I went to 98 lbs. due to not being able to eat. I am 5'8 and weigh 130-135 lbs. Coming back from that you Feel everything that goes into your body and what it does. I have tested the greens on occasion and I am convinced and do not have to prove it to my self anymore! I adore polebeans, but.... The whole world could use a good cleansing with celery and cucumber! The body must be cleansed and fed and in that order. Give your self the vitamins from food first then the minerals. Minerals at nite will help you sleep better. Starch at nite will do the same thing. Eat for digestion and absorption. A purist will kill themselves in the process. We live in a dirty world so the body must be able to fight and fight hard so we must put the things in our body that will allow our body to fight and to relax. Please make No mistake about it, this Disease can Kill you and it is not to be taken lightly as I did for so many years. It is what they do not tell you that you must come to understand. I did not believe them when they told me my RA would get worse and I would end up crippled. I try now to prove them wrong, that I can undo what has been done and only time will tell. Four years ago my hands started sweeping to the outside. Two years ago the last three fingers on both hands curled shut. Two years ago I had a good diet and today I have a better one, which includes raw foods and raw juices which has allowed the curled fingers to open 2 inches from my hand instead of being closed completely. My second finger on my right hand is more open than the rest so I must be doing something right and I am still pain free. I have Severe RA because of what I did not believe! I did construction, maintenance,and house cleaning for a living. I use to pick up a 4x8 sheet of plywood without problem and pick up a 5 gal. buckets of paint in each hand and run up ladders with them! I worked 10-16 hours a day and loved it. Now I have very little disk in my vertebra, I have no cushion in my wrist, fingers, elbows, knees, hips or ankles. They say I should not be upright, but I am. So if you have use of your limbs, be Grateful and do not do as I did in the past. Do better than I and be well and healthy. My heart goes out to all who suffer in any way. And I tell All of you, It does not have to be that way. Be strong and be Faithful to yourself. Find something to live for and push for, and find support when and if needed. I take 150mg of Indocin a day and my body is addicted to it. I have been on medication for 13 years due to slowing down from a herniated disk which took a year to heal because I refused to be put down. I have tried all the medications out there and now the Dr.s allow me to choose my medication. I know my body better than they do. Today I can get away with missing 3 days of meds before the the pain starts. Yesteryear I had to take my meds before I got out of bed to be able to get out of bed. For my severity I have made Great progress. I have worked with people recently diagnosed and had them pain free in a few short months including two vegans with RA! Their parents ate meat and so it contaminates the gene pool. Everything you put in your body affect your genes, cells, skin, attitude, etc.. I have very little swelling today and my goal is no swelling at all. Discipline is the hardest thing to Master, especially as we get older. Quality of life becomes an issue.

Your tongue against the roof of the mouth will work well for you because you have apparently made an agreement with your body that this is one way to tell you if the food is well for you. That is great. I stand as a medical Intuitive today. If I desire to know about my food all I have to do is ask internally and I get my answer. But not everyone can do this, although everyone Is capable of it. I use to help people obtain their own Intuitive Nature. I live a very modest life today on 30 acre's with a beautiful river running thru my property. It has helped me a great deal. I no longer party all the time. I quit drinking years back. This Disease has changed me a great deal. I am more even keel, not rushed, refuse to play the games of the world and speak my mind when needed! I find it very freeing! Stuffed Emotions will make you hurt and can and will Kill you. Take care of Mind, Body , and Soul! I want to Live...I want to Live the way I want to and this disease has taught me how to do just that. It is just too bad that I had to suffer so to understand and have my Will broken to that point. Iron makes Great Gold, so they say!!! And today I am not so Rusty inside!

I can only offer one more thing, BE THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE AND BE STRONG ABOUT IT. LET NO ONE, OR NO THING TAKE IT FROM YOU. Work with the flow of all things and you Will succeed.

With love from TN
p.s. I will check out Brian Clements today sometime. Thank you for the info.

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Windy (Morrison, Tn, USA) on 03/08/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I was diagnosed with RA at age 21. I am now 51. I have had so much pain that I could not tolerate a sheet on my body. Pain so bad that scalding hot water felt good. The kind of pain that makes you rock back and forth, cry and contemplate suicide! I have had about every symptom in the book! I'm sure you get the picture now. Today I am pain free!

And I tell you there is not just One remedy that will cure you. Please understand this is my story and my own theory!
Arthritis is caused by certain types of natural bacteria that is found in Meat! And it is due to the way we process our meats. No matter if it is beef, chicken or frog legs. These bacteria are found in the stomach linings of animals. Their digestive tracts. And since they are natural to the animal they can live in us but with complications. Pig meat contains so much uric acid, due to the pigs kidneys, and it seeps into all parts of their meat. Which is very bad for gout! These bacteria live in the linings of humans just like they do in animals. Our bodies attack the lining because it is trying to get rid of the bacteria. And they can travel deep to the bone and beyond because everything in our body has a lining of some sort. Getting rid of them is not easy. You can live with them but it will cause damage continually, no matter what. So you must get rid of the bacteria and eliminate the cause.

I no longer eat beef, pork, chicken, frog legs, etc. I do not consume dairy products. I do not drink soft drinks, caffeine or alcohol or acid drinks. I do not eat dark green veggies. I keep my consumption of yeast products to a very minimum. No prepackaged foods, no white sugar and I lowered my acidic protein count.

This all took time! Trust me, it was not easy. I was a meat and potatoes girl! You must create an environment where the bacteria can not live. Which means changing the PH of your body and keeping it that way. Easier said than done, however it can be done.

These are the things I used along the way.

ACV and honey with water-2 Tablespoons of ACV with 1 tablespoon of honey. Sometimes this caused me to have heartburn! But it did get rid of pimples on my face caused by too much acid in diet.

Black walnut leave tea- changes the PH and is great for uric acid build up from meats. 1-4 Tablespoons of B.W.L in a cup and pour boiling water on it, cover and steep for 20-30 minutes, strain and drink hot. If you have infection put 1 Teaspoon of Echinacea root powder with it.

Horsetail (Shavegrass) tea- It is rich in Silicon which repairs all parts of the body and aids the circulation. 2-3 Tablespoons of herb to a cup of boiling water (as above) and steep for 25 minutes, strain and drink hot.

Comfrey tea- A wonder herb that contains A,C,calcium,potassium,sulphur,copper,zinc and 18 amino acids. I use to put it with my black walnut tea. 1-2 teaspoons. All my teas are made the same. I use to boil them but not anymore. That was good for some things which would take too long to explain.

Corn silk tea- Rich in Vitamin K which every arthritic needs. Protects the kidneys and bladder due to all the acids, and is a mild diuretic. A handful of silks to a cup of tea. Steep for 30 minutes.

There are a few more but these were the best.

Today I use my juicer to make Celery and Cucumber juice to keep my body clean and keep the PH where it needs to be. 3-4 celery stalks and 1 cucumber. It makes a full glass of juice. Drink every morning. This flushes toxins from the body greatly.

I drink 3-5 cups of Miso a week. White or red miso that I get on line. This flushes a great deal of toxins, from cigarettes to radiation!

Watermelon- This is excellent way to flush acids from your body but it will flush all medications as well, just like cantaloupe so be aware of this. You may end of having to take more medication if you are on meds.

I eat some seafood and white fish, but no bottom feeding fish. I eat tofu in smoothies and sweeten them with real maple syrup. I use raw sugar without getting infections. I eat yellow, white and lite green veggies. I use a great deal of red bell pepper and eat a lot of homemade soups. I eat jasmine rice, potatoes,grits,eggs,cornbread and even homemade hot salsa occasionally. I eat organic blue chips and I am making my way to more and more raw foods with the help of Dr. Wigmores books. I used only raw foods for a week and I thought my energy would go through the roof! I am still working on that one! Change is a mental game!!

There is way too much information to put here but I think you get the picture of understanding. If I can help any of you in any way feel free to contact me. I will do my best to help in any way I can.

I hope this helps in some way.