Effective Home Remedies for Managing Perianal Abscesses Naturally

Modified on May 31, 2023 | Earth Clinic Team

Turmeric for a Perianal Abscess

Perianal abscesses, a painful and potentially dangerous condition, can be effectively treated at home using natural remedies. Home remedies like turmeric, vitamin C, honey, and sitz baths have shown promise in alleviating the discomfort caused by perianal abscesses. Consistent use of these remedies can be beneficial.

Many people prefer these natural remedies over surgery, which can be costly, inconvenient, and may even cause incontinence. If you're looking for a boil near anus home remedy, consider incorporating turmeric, vitamin C, honey, and sitz baths into your treatment routine for perianal abscesses. These remedies offer an alternative surgical intervention approach and can often relieve symptoms without the associated risks.

What Are Perianal Abscesses?

Perianal abscesses are pus-filled sacs that develop in the tissues near the anus, typically resulting from bacterial infections when anal glands become blocked. Symptoms include pain, swelling, redness, and in severe cases, fever and chills. These abscesses can impede daily activities such as sitting or bathroom use, hence the need for effective treatment.

Home Remedies for Perianal Abscesses

Several natural home remedies have been used successfully in managing perianal abscesses. These include:


Known for its natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric can be used both orally and topically to aid healing.

Internal Use

Add ½ teaspoon of turmeric to honey, yogurt, or milk and consume four times daily. Or if you have quality turmeric capsules, you can take 2 of these four times a day instead. Turmeric may be constipating to some, which will not be helpful for an abscess! Be sure to consume plenty of water in your diet.

Topical Use

Turmeric can be mixed with water to make a paste to apply to the abscess. Rinse and reapply every 6-12 hours. You can mix it with honey instead of water, as honey is also helpful for an abscess.

Vitamin C

An abscess is an infection. Vitamin C will support your immune system and help fight infection. It is also necessary for wound healing. Sodium ascorbate is easy on the system. You may be able to tolerate 1,000 mg four times a day. If you begin to get diarrhea, cut back the amount.


A natural antibacterial agent, honey promotes wound healing. Raw honey, like Manuka honey, is highly recommended.

Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay is a potent infection extractor. Apply a paste of the clay and water to the wound to draw out the infection. Rinse and reapply every 12 hours.

Wound Care and Hygiene for Perianal Abscesses

Maintaining optimal wound hygiene is crucial in preventing further infection. Sitz baths using Epsom salt, the use of a peri bottle for cleanliness after bowel movements, and a sanitary pad to protect your clothing from ointments and drainage can all be helpful.

Dietary Adjustments for Perianal Abscess Management

A balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in processed foods and sugars can support your body's healing process. Keeping well-hydrated and avoiding constipation is also beneficial.

Warning Signs of Complications

While home remedies can be effective, monitoring your condition for any signs of worsening, such as fever, increased pain, or red streaks radiating from the abscess, is crucial. These symptoms might suggest an escalating infection or possible sepsis requiring immediate medical attention.


Though natural remedies can be highly effective in managing perianal abscesses, it's essential to stay vigilant for any warning signs and seek medical help if needed. Regularly using these remedies, proper hygiene, and a healthy diet can significantly aid healing.

Keep reading to discover the remedies Earth Clinic readers have found helpful for treating perianal abscesses! We'd love to hear about your experiences and any other remedies you've found useful in managing perianal abscesses.

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List of Remedies for Perianal Abscess