Apple Cider Vinegar for Hot Flashes

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Showing 3 Star Reviews

Lois (East Hartford, Ct) on 12/06/2014
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

I got great relief from hot flashes with morning and before-bed dosing of 1 Tbs ACV, sweetened with about 1 tsp pure maple syrup which is easier to mix into about 2-3 ounces of water (don't take it straight! Burns the esophagus over time) followed immediately with a gulp of straight purified water, which I swallow to protect esophagus, and then next gulp is swished around my teeth to prevent enamel decay before swallowing. Only problem was drinking all this before bed made me wake to pee throughout the night.

Problems occurred when I stopped taking it for about two weeks (after many months of faithful dosing). Getting it to work again has been the problem!!!

I tried for over a month and nothing! Anybody got any ideas?

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Jillery (North America) on 01/22/2014
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

I was thrilled when the ACV helped my hot flashes. but it really only helped me for a week or so. I continue talking ACV for other health benefits-- maybe in the future it will work again for me. (i take 2T with a bit of water before bedtime)
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Tea (Ottawa, Canada) on 11/05/2010
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

I have been using ACV for 3 months for very, very bad HF. First worked amazing, and I even got my perod (I'm in early menopose, age of 40), after that hot flashes came back. Still using 2tbs of ACV and BS, molases, vitamine E but still suffer.