Multiple Remedies for Sinusitis, Chronic

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Apy (Milan, Italy) on 10/14/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I would like to state that up until a short while ago I have suffered from severe chronic sinusitis for 14 years. I am 34 years old and I am in my final stages of completing a medical degree and had chronic sinus pain and congestion for every second, literally every second since my highschool graduation. While I studied biology as an undergraduate I had brain fog and pain through all of the laboratories and had to give up sports and social life just to study and finish. I had two operations in the US and two in Italy, and no! I never asked for surgery, the ent's said that was the only thing to do. After a very delicate operation on my sphenoid sinuses at the skull base last year I thought I had finally resolved my problem because it was never operated on and the surgeon is a good one.

Unfortunately like the other operations all the symptoms came back and last winter I had a horrible headache, no concentration, brain fog, gas, athletes foot, starch cravings, internal itching inside my nose and head and intestines, and nobody supported me at all. It was at this point that I decided to research this problem, I couldn't study medicine properly anyways because of the anguish of the symptoms. I started treating my symptoms as if they were related to fungal overgrowth based on the research I found and the testimonials from sites like this one. I often find this topic to be considered "alternative medicine" but there are many formerly trained scientists and physicians who have referenced this ailment and it seems to me it is only alternative because it does not receive enough attention from the mainstream medical community. I started with baking soda and apple cider vinegar with some honey and wow IMMEDIATE RESULTS. I felt the ups and downs from more energy to flu like symptoms (Herxheimer). I felt I was on to something and I was surely desperate so I started studying again basic medical sciences such as pathology and also mycology (the study of fungi) and in the end I was able to improve my symptoms so dramatically and I will tell you what I did.

1) Baking soda - I spoke with a kidney specialist I know and about the safety because they work extensively with acids and bases and in small regular doses it is not dangerous, but it is always best to careful. I take 4-5 teaspoons a day, when I have time I also mix it with apple cider vinegar and some honey and I usually do not take it from friday through the weekend. I generally mix 1/2 teaspoon with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and then add a tablespoon of honey and top it off with hot green tea, which I make at the same time. I also add another half teaspoon of baking soda alone to a half liter water bottle and drink it throughout the day, one third of a bottle every 4-5 hours. Be careful if you have any kidney problems and DO NOT CONFUSE TEASPOONS FOR TABLESPOONS because 4-5 tablespoons can make you very sick.

2. Colloidal Silver - I have taken this product for many years and I always took it sparingly because I didn't want to turn blue. In reality my research has found only a few cases in the world of Argyria and the EPA sets limits for its safety and I do not exceed that limit and I now take 5 ml of 40 ppm colloidal silver that I make from a high concentration of 240 ppm and it really works. I usually add 1 ml of 240 ppm colloidal silver to 5 ml saline.

3. MSM - I mix 1/4 teaspoon in an ounce of saline (30ml) and put it in my nose a few hours before I put the colloidal silver solution in my nose. It seems to help the inflammation.

4. Vitamin C powder - I take 10 grams of vitamin c powder daily and it really helps boost my immune system and I am sure it suppresses the inflammation. I take 5 grams twice daily. It can cause some diarrhea so some people might want to divide the dose a little. See Linus Paulings research on this for further information

5. Candida Clear - I take as directed to clear the yeast / fungi from my system.

6. Probiotics (acidophilus etc.) - I always take probiotics at least 6 hours from taking the candida clear.

7. Liquid Oxygen - as directed in order to improve oxygenation.

8. Healthy anti-candida diet - I avoid starch and limit my intake of meat to 6-7 times a month.

9. Avoid antibiotics if possible.

10. Ground flax seeds or omega 3 fish oil - for inflammation

I don't have any intention to tell people what to do and I respect everyone's right to research and find what works for them. The main reason for writing this post is because I am a traditional medical student with a degree in biology and have always thought that through drugs and surgery I could beat this, but it was only by the treatments above that I now feel better than I have in the last 14 years. As a medical student I really shouldn't acknowledge any of the above but this cocktail worked for me and surgery, antibiotics and cortisone made things a lot worse. The only thing I would like to say regarding this the products mentioned above is that you have to stick with it for many months and I hope I am providing useful information for those who live with the nightmare of chronic sinusitis.

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Esprit64 (USA) on 06/16/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Hello: My chronic sinusitis began in 2000 after having a flu and a cough that would not go away. Over years, it became worse, progressing into routine bouts of major bleeding, and, having me always clean bleeding scabs from my nose. It wasn't unusual for me to be unable to stop the flow of blood from my nose on my worst days--I would literally be bent over a sink, blood dripping profusely.

One day, I realized that since I use a CPAP machine for sleep apnea (the machine forces air into your throat to keep your breathing unimpeded), I would use it alternately with food-grade hydrogen peroxide (make sure you read the cautions associated with using this product, NEVER drink it or allow it to touch your skin directly from the bottle--you must carefully make it safe by mixing it with water in a 1 part HP to 11 parts water ratio)--and--I also used eucalyptus oil on separate nights. I would use the oil both on the nose pillow and in the chamber's water.

After about 2 weeks use, I woke-up having difficulty breathing. I felt movement in my nasal passages, much like feeling rice krispies pop in milk. Then, starting that morning, my nose profusely drained. I could not keep up with it. Water was just pouring water out all day long. I must have used 3 boxes of tissues tht day. The experience was mildly uncomfortable, constantly feeling a sensation of wanting to sneeze, but, you don't. For the next 2 days, I was dealing with extensive drainage and feelings of movement in my nose, a sensation of sudsing, much like you see when pouring HP on a wound? There was absolutely no pain involved, just the frustration of dealing with the experience.

When the worst was over, after 12 years of suffering, I realized that I no longer had any blood in my nose at all. I could not believe it. And, I finally felt normal. I no longer had to clean my nose several times daily. My nose today remains clean. My sinuses are no longer an issue. Total relief. Done.

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Granary (Carmel, Israel) on 03/01/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I have a chronic sinusitis for more than 20 yrs. Jst 1 month ago i discovered your site. And i found out a good remedy for. I jst drink wild oregano oil capsule once a day. Then i drink 2 tbspn Apple cider vinegar on a glass of water 2xday. Then i do nasal irrigation by using 1 tbspn ACV, 1 tspn salt, 1 tspn baking soda 1xday by 3xweek. It did wonders to me my sinus foul odor were gone, no post nasal drip. I have my life back. Hope you try this.