Get Rid Of Unnecessary Items for Sinusitis, Chronic

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Dianec (Los Angeles, Ca, United States) on 09/24/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Sinusistis cured: I have had sinusitis for about 10 years and went to doctor after doctor tried every medication on the market. Benadryl and Allegra worked the best for my case but I now am cured of the problem and only rarely do I need medication.

My husband used to use one of our room in the house for storage. He had things that should have been in the garage in that room. I never complained because these items were his valuables. There were pictures, linens, vintage blankets (wool) and other vintage items in the room. Well he finally emptied his storage room one day after making a storage shed for the stuff, and this act plus removing the carpets in our home caused ME TO LOSE MY SINUS PROBLEM! PLEASE GET RID OF UNNEEDED JUNK IN YOUR HOME! I suffered years for nothing! I was allergic to something in that room. Like the old saying goes: CLEANILNESS IS NEXT TO GOD-LINESS.