Artificial Sweetener Link to Herpes for Cold Sores


Ivan (Tampa, Fl) on 05/23/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

I have been sick with low grade fever and swolen neck glands for about a month. I also have been having tingling sensation inside my pennis.

I went to the doctor and they tested me for STDs and all negative.

Now, this week I started a military exersise working long hours, I don't drink soda but I needed something to drink during the long hours and I went for Coke One. And, surprise! My, first outbreak of genital herpes. So I had the Herpes with no outbreak until now. That explains a lot.

Well, my outbreak was quickly fading away and I hit the Coke One like 3 times yesterday. And today I wake up with a 2 new small blister in the same area!!!!

I hate you Coke One!!!

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Tyler (Oshkosh, Wisconsin) on 12/27/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

Started taking aspartame yesterday as a phenylalanine supplement, so I was taking a pretty significant amount, about 350mg twice a day. Today, I got a cold sore; no notice or warning (tingling or itching) or anything. I've never ingested aspartame before in my life, and don't get cold sores that often, maybe once or twice a year and it's always from too much sun. The aspartame is definitely what caused this outbreak, seeing as it's December and I'm not getting any sun at all.

I'm pissed. The companies that make and sell this sh*t should be required to put a warning on the labels regarding a link between their product and cold sores/gh outbreaks. Obviously, and I can tell from reading the responses on this site, aspartame causes herpes outbreaks, and this cold sore on my lip right now wouldn't be here if I never took any in the first place.

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Susan (New York, New York) on 04/26/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

It has finally dawned on me that after consuming many cans of Slimfast for weightloss, I now realize that this is most likely the cause for my HB. 4 days after consuming Slimfast, I had a breakout. After reading the ingredients on the can, the company lists "non nutritive" sweetners, which obviously is some form of artifical sweetner. I am wondering now if the manufacturer might realize the problem and never intentionally mension the actual sweetners by name????? So, I will never drink Slimfast again. I do not take any diet products of any kind or artificial sweetners. I think people who are allergy prone have a higher chance of this kind of reaction. I believe that with all of the obesity in this country, more and more people will have outbreaks due to weightloss products. Thanks for this site.

IGOTITTO (Martin, TN) on 04/09/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

I have been able to link one of my worse outbreaks ever to my new diet and these drink mixes. Of course, it has aspartme. I was wondering though, which of you all was able to link it to wine? Thanks for the help guys. A community that is able to help others is a loving thing. Thanks again.

Jason (Miami, Fl) on 03/18/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

OMG, u guys are saviors. I have not had an outbreak in almost a year. A week ago my roomate brought home a box of Sugar Free Popsicle. Although I hate sugar free products, one night last week I wanted some ice cream and I had 2 of the popsicles the first night and 1 the next night. Can you believe I'm having the worse outbreak right now? it's been over a week now. I was wondering why am I having an outbreak so bad, like I've never had before. Usually I have one red spot around the head of my genital, now it's two and so painful. Worse of all, right before I came to this site I had another one of that poison popsicle last night during my outbreak, so u know I'm f----d. I can't believe this. I'm about to throw away these suckers right now. And someone please tell me, can I get L-Lysine over the counter?
EC: Yes, L-Lysine is an OTC supplement. Some grocery stores and pharmacies even carry it, but you may want to check out a health food store first.

L (Boston, MA) on 03/16/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

cold sore prevention: About 12 years ago, I figured out that artificial sweeteners triggered my cold sore outbreaks. I removed all artificial sweeteners from my diet but would still have outbreaks twice a year. Then, I noticed the outbreaks coincided with my teeth cleanings. Prophy paste contains artificial sweeteners. I now have my teeth cleaned with pumice and never have outbreaks.

Patricia (Elmont, NY) on 02/02/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

emergen-c caused a herpes simplex outbreak. I was shopping at Trader Joes and I picked up a pack of emergen-c. thinking that it will supply me with needed vit-c. I took one packet right at the store with water that I bought there. I felt really weird after taking it. I read the ingredients and I noticed natural flavors and natural sucrose. I know from previous time that anything edible containing natural flavours it is MSG. No sooner did I get into my car to leave,my lip became inflamed and I had the start of a cold sore. I returned to the store and got my money back. I later spoke to the manager about the situation and he said he cannot pull anything off the shelf. It has to be done by headquarters. Now I only depend on good quality Vit C. Emergen-C is on my not-to-buy-list!
EC: Read the rest of this thread on Vitamin C side effects here.
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Steve (Birmingham, UK) on 01/08/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

I regulary have outbreaks of coldsores, although they seems to be to two different types.

The first type - normal, typical ones that are on the lips, they start small with the tell tale tingle and spread, with recovery expedited with the use of Acyclovir.

The second type are a bit different these seem to be a much larger pre-determined size,they have more smaller fluid filled welts, a far greater distance from my lips either on the tip or side of my nose or upper chin. They do not have the tell tale tingle, nor do they do respond well to acyclovir.

The second type I used to strongly believe was an allergic reaction to either bannanas or artificial sweeteners as opposed to coldsores because of these differences, however medical tests confirmed that they were cold sores. I currently avoid both potential triggers and seem to get far less outbreaks, however artificial sweetners are almost impossible to avoid.

Who knows!!??

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Kat (Norman, OK) on 10/25/2008:
0 out of 5 stars

I found this site while looking up lysine, and was shocked to read about a link between outbreaks & artificial sweeteners. I've had herpes for about 3 years now (that I know of anyway- Aug. 2005 was my first outbreak ever), and I've been outbreak-free since that first one up until about 3 months ago. I could not figure out why all of a sudden I was getting an outbreak a month but then I figured it out tonight- DIET SODA! I switched from regular coke to coke zero roughly 3 months ago & that's right when all the nerve pain & outbreaks began! God no wonder. I know for a fact I have a good immune system & I'm not under a lot of stress, so I was beginning to get scared. Just bought a new case of coke zero tonight & it's going right back to the store tomorrow. I'm going to try some of the remedies listed on the site, thanks.

Tracy (Suffield, CT) on 05/19/2008:
0 out of 5 stars

Thanks for the information about artificial sweetneers link to herpes outbreaks. I recently had been chewing sugarless gum and sugarless mints and had a few outbreaks during a 3 week period. I now know that it is probably linked. I can't afford the Valtrex to take all the time and started taking Garlic twice a day and haven't had any breakouts. I was reading over this site and there is a lot of talk about Lysine, I am going to research that as well. About the Stevia (Sweetleaf) it is wonderful and natural. Forget the artificial sweetners, they are not good for you!Thank you everyone for your help!

Artificial Sweetener Link to Herpes for Cold Sores


Ivan (Tampa, Fl) on 05/23/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

I have been sick with low grade fever and swolen neck glands for about a month. I also have been having tingling sensation inside my pennis.

I went to the doctor and they tested me for STDs and all negative.

Now, this week I started a military exersise working long hours, I don't drink soda but I needed something to drink during the long hours and I went for Coke One. And, surprise! My, first outbreak of genital herpes. So I had the Herpes with no outbreak until now. That explains a lot.

Well, my outbreak was quickly fading away and I hit the Coke One like 3 times yesterday. And today I wake up with a 2 new small blister in the same area!!!!

I hate you Coke One!!!

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Tyler (Oshkosh, Wisconsin) on 12/27/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

Started taking aspartame yesterday as a phenylalanine supplement, so I was taking a pretty significant amount, about 350mg twice a day. Today, I got a cold sore; no notice or warning (tingling or itching) or anything. I've never ingested aspartame before in my life, and don't get cold sores that often, maybe once or twice a year and it's always from too much sun. The aspartame is definitely what caused this outbreak, seeing as it's December and I'm not getting any sun at all.

I'm pissed. The companies that make and sell this sh*t should be required to put a warning on the labels regarding a link between their product and cold sores/gh outbreaks. Obviously, and I can tell from reading the responses on this site, aspartame causes herpes outbreaks, and this cold sore on my lip right now wouldn't be here if I never took any in the first place.

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Susan (New York, New York) on 04/26/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

It has finally dawned on me that after consuming many cans of Slimfast for weightloss, I now realize that this is most likely the cause for my HB. 4 days after consuming Slimfast, I had a breakout. After reading the ingredients on the can, the company lists "non nutritive" sweetners, which obviously is some form of artifical sweetner. I am wondering now if the manufacturer might realize the problem and never intentionally mension the actual sweetners by name????? So, I will never drink Slimfast again. I do not take any diet products of any kind or artificial sweetners. I think people who are allergy prone have a higher chance of this kind of reaction. I believe that with all of the obesity in this country, more and more people will have outbreaks due to weightloss products. Thanks for this site.

IGOTITTO (Martin, TN) on 04/09/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

I have been able to link one of my worse outbreaks ever to my new diet and these drink mixes. Of course, it has aspartme. I was wondering though, which of you all was able to link it to wine? Thanks for the help guys. A community that is able to help others is a loving thing. Thanks again.

Jason (Miami, Fl) on 03/18/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

OMG, u guys are saviors. I have not had an outbreak in almost a year. A week ago my roomate brought home a box of Sugar Free Popsicle. Although I hate sugar free products, one night last week I wanted some ice cream and I had 2 of the popsicles the first night and 1 the next night. Can you believe I'm having the worse outbreak right now? it's been over a week now. I was wondering why am I having an outbreak so bad, like I've never had before. Usually I have one red spot around the head of my genital, now it's two and so painful. Worse of all, right before I came to this site I had another one of that poison popsicle last night during my outbreak, so u know I'm f----d. I can't believe this. I'm about to throw away these suckers right now. And someone please tell me, can I get L-Lysine over the counter?
EC: Yes, L-Lysine is an OTC supplement. Some grocery stores and pharmacies even carry it, but you may want to check out a health food store first.

L (Boston, MA) on 03/16/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

cold sore prevention: About 12 years ago, I figured out that artificial sweeteners triggered my cold sore outbreaks. I removed all artificial sweeteners from my diet but would still have outbreaks twice a year. Then, I noticed the outbreaks coincided with my teeth cleanings. Prophy paste contains artificial sweeteners. I now have my teeth cleaned with pumice and never have outbreaks.

Patricia (Elmont, NY) on 02/02/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

emergen-c caused a herpes simplex outbreak. I was shopping at Trader Joes and I picked up a pack of emergen-c. thinking that it will supply me with needed vit-c. I took one packet right at the store with water that I bought there. I felt really weird after taking it. I read the ingredients and I noticed natural flavors and natural sucrose. I know from previous time that anything edible containing natural flavours it is MSG. No sooner did I get into my car to leave,my lip became inflamed and I had the start of a cold sore. I returned to the store and got my money back. I later spoke to the manager about the situation and he said he cannot pull anything off the shelf. It has to be done by headquarters. Now I only depend on good quality Vit C. Emergen-C is on my not-to-buy-list!
EC: Read the rest of this thread on Vitamin C side effects here.
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Steve (Birmingham, UK) on 01/08/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

I regulary have outbreaks of coldsores, although they seems to be to two different types.

The first type - normal, typical ones that are on the lips, they start small with the tell tale tingle and spread, with recovery expedited with the use of Acyclovir.

The second type are a bit different these seem to be a much larger pre-determined size,they have more smaller fluid filled welts, a far greater distance from my lips either on the tip or side of my nose or upper chin. They do not have the tell tale tingle, nor do they do respond well to acyclovir.

The second type I used to strongly believe was an allergic reaction to either bannanas or artificial sweeteners as opposed to coldsores because of these differences, however medical tests confirmed that they were cold sores. I currently avoid both potential triggers and seem to get far less outbreaks, however artificial sweetners are almost impossible to avoid.

Who knows!!??

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Kat (Norman, OK) on 10/25/2008:
0 out of 5 stars

I found this site while looking up lysine, and was shocked to read about a link between outbreaks & artificial sweeteners. I've had herpes for about 3 years now (that I know of anyway- Aug. 2005 was my first outbreak ever), and I've been outbreak-free since that first one up until about 3 months ago. I could not figure out why all of a sudden I was getting an outbreak a month but then I figured it out tonight- DIET SODA! I switched from regular coke to coke zero roughly 3 months ago & that's right when all the nerve pain & outbreaks began! God no wonder. I know for a fact I have a good immune system & I'm not under a lot of stress, so I was beginning to get scared. Just bought a new case of coke zero tonight & it's going right back to the store tomorrow. I'm going to try some of the remedies listed on the site, thanks.

Tracy (Suffield, CT) on 05/19/2008:
0 out of 5 stars

Thanks for the information about artificial sweetneers link to herpes outbreaks. I recently had been chewing sugarless gum and sugarless mints and had a few outbreaks during a 3 week period. I now know that it is probably linked. I can't afford the Valtrex to take all the time and started taking Garlic twice a day and haven't had any breakouts. I was reading over this site and there is a lot of talk about Lysine, I am going to research that as well. About the Stevia (Sweetleaf) it is wonderful and natural. Forget the artificial sweetners, they are not good for you!Thank you everyone for your help!

Ivan (Tampa, Fl) on 05/23/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

I have been sick with low grade fever and swolen neck glands for about a month. I also have been having tingling sensation inside my pennis.

I went to the doctor and they tested me for STDs and all negative.

Now, this week I started a military exersise working long hours, I don't drink soda but I needed something to drink during the long hours and I went for Coke One. And, surprise! My, first outbreak of genital herpes. So I had the Herpes with no outbreak until now. That explains a lot.

Well, my outbreak was quickly fading away and I hit the Coke One like 3 times yesterday. And today I wake up with a 2 new small blister in the same area!!!!

I hate you Coke One!!!

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Tyler (Oshkosh, Wisconsin) on 12/27/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

Started taking aspartame yesterday as a phenylalanine supplement, so I was taking a pretty significant amount, about 350mg twice a day. Today, I got a cold sore; no notice or warning (tingling or itching) or anything. I've never ingested aspartame before in my life, and don't get cold sores that often, maybe once or twice a year and it's always from too much sun. The aspartame is definitely what caused this outbreak, seeing as it's December and I'm not getting any sun at all.

I'm pissed. The companies that make and sell this sh*t should be required to put a warning on the labels regarding a link between their product and cold sores/gh outbreaks. Obviously, and I can tell from reading the responses on this site, aspartame causes herpes outbreaks, and this cold sore on my lip right now wouldn't be here if I never took any in the first place.

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Susan (New York, New York) on 04/26/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

It has finally dawned on me that after consuming many cans of Slimfast for weightloss, I now realize that this is most likely the cause for my HB. 4 days after consuming Slimfast, I had a breakout. After reading the ingredients on the can, the company lists "non nutritive" sweetners, which obviously is some form of artifical sweetner. I am wondering now if the manufacturer might realize the problem and never intentionally mension the actual sweetners by name????? So, I will never drink Slimfast again. I do not take any diet products of any kind or artificial sweetners. I think people who are allergy prone have a higher chance of this kind of reaction. I believe that with all of the obesity in this country, more and more people will have outbreaks due to weightloss products. Thanks for this site.

IGOTITTO (Martin, TN) on 04/09/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

I have been able to link one of my worse outbreaks ever to my new diet and these drink mixes. Of course, it has aspartme. I was wondering though, which of you all was able to link it to wine? Thanks for the help guys. A community that is able to help others is a loving thing. Thanks again.

Jason (Miami, Fl) on 03/18/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

OMG, u guys are saviors. I have not had an outbreak in almost a year. A week ago my roomate brought home a box of Sugar Free Popsicle. Although I hate sugar free products, one night last week I wanted some ice cream and I had 2 of the popsicles the first night and 1 the next night. Can you believe I'm having the worse outbreak right now? it's been over a week now. I was wondering why am I having an outbreak so bad, like I've never had before. Usually I have one red spot around the head of my genital, now it's two and so painful. Worse of all, right before I came to this site I had another one of that poison popsicle last night during my outbreak, so u know I'm f----d. I can't believe this. I'm about to throw away these suckers right now. And someone please tell me, can I get L-Lysine over the counter?
EC: Yes, L-Lysine is an OTC supplement. Some grocery stores and pharmacies even carry it, but you may want to check out a health food store first.

L (Boston, MA) on 03/16/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

cold sore prevention: About 12 years ago, I figured out that artificial sweeteners triggered my cold sore outbreaks. I removed all artificial sweeteners from my diet but would still have outbreaks twice a year. Then, I noticed the outbreaks coincided with my teeth cleanings. Prophy paste contains artificial sweeteners. I now have my teeth cleaned with pumice and never have outbreaks.

Patricia (Elmont, NY) on 02/02/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

emergen-c caused a herpes simplex outbreak. I was shopping at Trader Joes and I picked up a pack of emergen-c. thinking that it will supply me with needed vit-c. I took one packet right at the store with water that I bought there. I felt really weird after taking it. I read the ingredients and I noticed natural flavors and natural sucrose. I know from previous time that anything edible containing natural flavours it is MSG. No sooner did I get into my car to leave,my lip became inflamed and I had the start of a cold sore. I returned to the store and got my money back. I later spoke to the manager about the situation and he said he cannot pull anything off the shelf. It has to be done by headquarters. Now I only depend on good quality Vit C. Emergen-C is on my not-to-buy-list!
EC: Read the rest of this thread on Vitamin C side effects here.
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Steve (Birmingham, UK) on 01/08/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

I regulary have outbreaks of coldsores, although they seems to be to two different types.

The first type - normal, typical ones that are on the lips, they start small with the tell tale tingle and spread, with recovery expedited with the use of Acyclovir.

The second type are a bit different these seem to be a much larger pre-determined size,they have more smaller fluid filled welts, a far greater distance from my lips either on the tip or side of my nose or upper chin. They do not have the tell tale tingle, nor do they do respond well to acyclovir.

The second type I used to strongly believe was an allergic reaction to either bannanas or artificial sweeteners as opposed to coldsores because of these differences, however medical tests confirmed that they were cold sores. I currently avoid both potential triggers and seem to get far less outbreaks, however artificial sweetners are almost impossible to avoid.

Who knows!!??

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Kat (Norman, OK) on 10/25/2008:
0 out of 5 stars

I found this site while looking up lysine, and was shocked to read about a link between outbreaks & artificial sweeteners. I've had herpes for about 3 years now (that I know of anyway- Aug. 2005 was my first outbreak ever), and I've been outbreak-free since that first one up until about 3 months ago. I could not figure out why all of a sudden I was getting an outbreak a month but then I figured it out tonight- DIET SODA! I switched from regular coke to coke zero roughly 3 months ago & that's right when all the nerve pain & outbreaks began! God no wonder. I know for a fact I have a good immune system & I'm not under a lot of stress, so I was beginning to get scared. Just bought a new case of coke zero tonight & it's going right back to the store tomorrow. I'm going to try some of the remedies listed on the site, thanks.

Tracy (Suffield, CT) on 05/19/2008:
0 out of 5 stars

Thanks for the information about artificial sweetneers link to herpes outbreaks. I recently had been chewing sugarless gum and sugarless mints and had a few outbreaks during a 3 week period. I now know that it is probably linked. I can't afford the Valtrex to take all the time and started taking Garlic twice a day and haven't had any breakouts. I was reading over this site and there is a lot of talk about Lysine, I am going to research that as well. About the Stevia (Sweetleaf) it is wonderful and natural. Forget the artificial sweetners, they are not good for you!Thank you everyone for your help!
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