Natural Birth Control Methods

Modified on Apr 28, 2018 | Earth Clinic Team

Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, but it can be a bit of an issue if you are unprepared for bringing a new life into the world. Birth control is an effective way to prevent an unplanned pregnancy but some forms of birth control are better than others. While conventional birth control methods have the highest success rates, they can also produce negative effects. Some people look to natural options for birth control without side effects, such as tracking fertility, herbs, and withdrawal.

What Kinds of Birth Control Are Available?

There are a number of different types of birth control available. Some of the most common include contraceptive medication, an intrauterine device, or a vaginal ring. These options, however, may have side effects such as a drop in libido, weight gain, and others. You should consult your doctor to help you select an appropriate form of contraception for you.

What Kinds of Natural Birth Control Can I Use?

In addition to traditional contraceptive methods, there are also a number of natural birth control options. These methods include tracking your fertility, taking herbs, or practicing withdrawal. Some people have also had success using an apple cider vinegar douche following intercourse.

1. Tracking Fertility

Generally speaking, a woman is only fertile 3 days out of the month, so tracking fertile days and abstaining from sex on these days is one form of natural birth control. There are several different tracking systems including the temperature method or noting when the female’s vaginal temperature is elevated following ovulation, the mucus method which involves tracking changes in the amount and texture of vaginal discharge, and the calendar method which is used to track a woman’s cycle strictly by the calendar. For most couples, these tracking systems are most effective when combined.

2. Herbs

Just as herbs can be used to increase fertility, these remedies can also be used to prevent pregnancy. Some of the most common herbs used to dampen fertility include stoneseed root, jack in the pulpit root, and thistles. These options are typically steeped in tea and drank and can prevent fertility for up to one week.

3. Withdrawal

Withdrawal is another method of natural birth control that involves the male withdrawing his penis from the female’s vagina before ejaculation. However, this form does not always work because sperm is often released in small amounts even before ejaculation.

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List of Remedies for Birth Control