Pau D\' Arco, Dmso for Nail Issues

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Lara (Los Angeles, Ca, Usa) on 06/20/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Hello everyone. Several years ago, I had an ugly green stain under my thumb nail, which I knew was a fungus. It was very unsightly and I was very motivated to find a natural solution.

Somehow, I heard about Pau D' Arco. I found a bottle of liquid tincture-- I do not remember the brand-- at Whole Foods (in the US) and did the following:

-- I made a "tea" with it by heating up a small cup of water and added a dropper full of the tincture. The taste was a bit bitter but I not bad at all. I made this tea twice a day.

-- I also made a stronger version, much less water and added another dropper full and soaked my nail 1-2/day

--Sounds funny but I also gave the nail "sun baths" as follows: Whenever I was driving under sunshine, I placed my thumb on the dashboard. The sun is a power bleaching agent.

-- I cleaned up my diet: no sugar, flour, etc

I noticed the effects of my treatment within a week: I could see the spot was getting smaller and it disappeared very quickly.... it was gone in under a month.

Hope this helps you.

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Kathie (Houston, Select State/province) on 05/28/2011
5 out of 5 stars

In David Wolf's book, EATING FOR BEAUTY, He says to use one-half dropper-full of pau d'arco alcohol tincture on and under the nail and on the first and second knuckle after it has been cleaned. Then "paint" the area with a few drops of DMSO, this helps the pau d'arco to better penetrate. He says that DMSO can burn when used too much. It should take 3 to six weeks to see results.

In the past I have filed the top of my nail to make it very thin and then applied tea tree oil and Thyme essential oil with good results. Filing the nail thin allowed for better absorbtion (much what Wolf recommends but with DMSO).