Sodium Bicarbonate for Muscle Strains

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Gordon (Sunderland, Uk, Tyne ) on 09/13/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, I have spent alot of time over the past 5 years or so with painful spasms. Walking was bad but when the pain was at my knees I thought it was joint pain and though there was a growing pain in the joint it could be helped with a warm massage. My feet could be eased with a vibrating foot bath. To me it seemed how could it be arthritis if a massage could help, so I searched for lots of supplements and tried quite a few with a little or no help.

My research led me to the problems that were hard to test without help. I further researched the help of the simple household additives namely sodium bicarbonate. After taking half a heaped teaspoonfull of sodium bicarbonate in in half a pint of water on an empty stomach morning and night relief was immediate. My spasms are greately reduced and I can feel my knees getting better every day. I stopped and checked and the problem returned, it then improved with the sodium bicarbonate.

I do think I have a candida overgrowth and that is getting better as well.

I am posting because of all the hunting around I had to do to use a substance with little if any side effects but great benefits.

I saw that as my research went on that more people want to help by selling you something that cost the earth and may eventually give a benefit.

My research cost next to nothing and if it does not work straight away I ask you to keep it up for at least 6 months. I saw relief after a few hours but kept getting relapses until long term relief vindicated by determination that I was on the right track.

The bicarbonate of soda seems to be helping ME attacking the candida and putting my body into an alkaline state to repair itself. No extreme diets or medication I do realise foods that effect me and avoid them but not forever and take note of what my body tells me.

I feel sure there are others out there who see researech costing billions be it for cancer or a dozen different conditions with no relief. Yet to alkalise the body as I have can kill cancer or so I am led to believe yet has little or no side effect and you can administer it to yourself and still seek help.

Long term effects on the body of over acidity or high candida are not recognised or admitted because they are to cheap to treat and conspiracy theories abound. The simple fact is that the care system does not encourage self diagnosis it is too cheap, the system works by long term treatment not cure.

The body heals, not a doctor (they give the assistance in extreme circumstances). Given the right conditions we are amazing creatures, we just need to find the balance out of the over indulgence of our social order.

comments would be appreciated to understand how I have found a simple cheap treatment that works for ME.