Milk Of Magnesia for MRSA

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Jean (Willimantic, Ct) on 03/31/2011
4 out of 5 stars

Thank you Bill from San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines! I've been searching since last August for a way to heal what's wrong with me. What I thought was adult acne started exactly one year ago. Finally saw a dermatologist at the end of October. He only said I had a very severe case of eczema. I had to figure out on my own that it was seborrheic eczema, but it did explain why none of the acne images online looked like what I had. He cultured it and I saw him 6 weeks later. HE NEVER TOLD ME IT WAS MRSA until, in frustration, I went to an urgent care clinic and they informed me in the middle of January. That doc told me to use bacitracin and just plain water to cleanse my face.

Long story short, even after seeing an infectious disease doc in January, nothing I tried worked -- not tea tree oil, honey propolis, drawing salve, Bactroban, the appropriate oral antibiotics, the corticosteroid from the dermatologist, Betatine or even the Hibiclens. All of these helped a bit, but nothing HEALED. I searched and searched online for another example similar to what I had as I do not have boils (though have been wishing I had because there is info all over about treating them). YOU finally had something similar -- a fungal based red problem -- that responded to plain of Milk of Magnesia. I read your explanation of why and it made complete sense. I tried it in the middle of the day after going to the store to buy it and then showering. Within 24 hours I saw significant improvement. I am on day 3 and it continues working just as you described. The high pH is killing the exposed MRSA on the skin and is even reaching down below closed up lesions to destroy the MRSA that still lies there in the form of hard bumps that show as white through the skin.