Magnesium Oil for MRSA

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Holland F. (California ) on 07/16/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Possible MRSA infection experience. I had a weird bump on my back that I couldn't see. It had originally been a blackhead, which I could feel, but then it changed into a bump that just didn't ever go away, and the skin around it was odd. One day I was pressing on it a lot to try to force it to clean out, and managed to aggravate it so that it swelled up to more than 8" across after maybe 3 days. It was very uncomfortable with any pressure on it, but not "hot". I enlisted my son to try to help me put stuff on it and monitor what it was doing.

I'm describing this as a possible MRSA infection because he showed me some MRSA photos which he found later that he said looked pretty much exactly like what was on my back. I used several things, but the one thing that really started to turn it around was topical magnesium. The first time I used it one night, the next morning the surface felt different, as though the problem was becoming more superficial. Over time, my son and I applied a lot of magnesium and iodine. We tried a few other things in the mix but the most prevalent items were those two. We made a dressing and changed it 2x day.

After a few days, it suddenly drained out a whole bunch of a clear "gel" which had virtually no odor. It had started to drain a bit of this per day during the days before so the whole area gradually diminished, but once this large drain happened, the whole area reduced and healed up rapidly. I was surprised that it was the topical magnesium that was the most effective thing.

So, for what it's worth, I'm passing this on.

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Christee (Port Huron, Mi) on 02/04/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I am colonized with MRSA and I have been struggling with recurring skin lesions for 10+ years. I have recently found that Dead Sea magnesium oil has had a profound effect. My back has been covered with staph pimples for a few years (I am 40 years old). I have never had back acne previously and nothing I tried worked. I just happened to use the magnesium oil for a sore muscle and found that, the next day, the pimples were reduced. I have continued to use it almost daily for the past two weeks and I only have a few random spots left.

If you try it, be aware that it may itch the first few times you use it. Also, if you have any open areas it will burn. I hope this helps!