Low-carb Diet for MRSA

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Ben (Las Vegas, Nv) on 02/22/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Accidental Staph Remedy

For several years now I've used turmeric, in all its forms, to "control" a very persistent staph boil, with mixed results. Sometimes it was very effective, and could push the infection into complete "remission" for a week or two, but the core remained, albeit very small and benign. But would always return, seemingly at random and sometimes with a vengeance.

Well, a couple weeks ago I started a strict low-carb diet to lose some winter weight before spring, and voila! The boil has disappeared entirely and I can't even percieve the core anymore, no matter how hard I press into it.

Going to a low-carb regimen is the ONLY thing I've changed, and as I recall the worst recent flare-up times, it seems to coincide with high carbohydrate consumption.

IF this is really the trigger for flareups, I can go low carb the rest of my life, NO PROBLEM. It's worth freedom from staph flareups.