Baths With Bleach for MRSA

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Amanda (Magnolia, Tx) on 01/11/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Actually our doctor told us the same thing as part of my son's regime to get rid of staph. A little bleach in the bathtub.
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Linda (Gilbert , Az) on 12/19/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I was actually told this by my son's pediatrician .

He has MRSA and she told me to give him a bath twice a week with about a tablespoon of bleach to a gallon of water to rid the skin of MRSA.

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Landa (Navarre, Fl) on 12/01/2015
5 out of 5 stars

That's funny. My son's pediatrician just suggested this to me last week. I had never heard of a bleach bath. She said to fill the tub with water and use a cup of bleach. She said he should soak for 15 minutes.
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Freebird (South Bend, In) on 09/15/2011
5 out of 5 stars

The Mayo Clinic and the Center for Disease Control recommend this now, along with Manuka honey. 1/2 c bleach and two big handfuls of baking soda. Don't over do it. Every three days or so.
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Carrieanne229 (Georgia) on 06/27/2010
5 out of 5 stars

My pediatrician actually prescribed bleach baths for my daughter who had a MRSA rash on her bottom. 1/4 cup to a tub full every other day for a week, every three days for a week, all the way to once a week. It's no different than the chlorine in a pool.
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Carri (Greenville, SC) on 12/16/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Bathing in bleach CLOROX brand ONLY!!! And ONLY the plain kind, not gel or anything scented, is a very good flush for your body.  This is a commonly used remedy to pull heavy metals from your body (among MANY other things). Mix one half cup plain Clorox brand bleach to your bath tub and fill to the level of your belly button when sitting. You can soak in the tub for 50-60 minutes for heavy metal reduction. If you think about all the horrible chemicals that are in your water anyway a little bleach is not going to hurt you, and actually probably nullifies some of the harmful chemicals. Don't knock it til you try it! I've done it for years to help with heavy metals (I fell so much better, by the way) and had no clue about the connection to healing boils, but am happy to know of it.
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Jamila (Springfield, Va) on 10/28/2008
5 out of 5 stars

My daughter was diagnosed with recurring MRSA and one of the remedies both her doctor and her nurse recommended was adding bleach to her baths twice a week. They did not say anything about treating the boils, but it is supposed to prevent future colonization of MRSA when used in conjunction with an antibiotic regimine, daily disinfection of household surfaces, and daily laundering of bed clothes with bleach. I have read that bleach baths are also a great treatment for eczema, which my daughter also has.
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Joshua (Waverly, OH) on 01/25/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I have been having outbreaks for about 3 years now. I've found that when the sores are at their worst a HOT(as tolerable!)bath in a tub full of clear water and 1/2 cup of Clorox for 20-30 minutes speeds up the healing process. Afterwards invest in Lysol-and lots of it! Wash and change bedding daily and spray everything you touch with Lysol. In about 10 days you can rid all surfaces in your' home, negating the spread of MRSA infection!