Multiple Remedies for Morgellons

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cara (Seattle, Washington) on 06/07/2009:
4 out of 5 stars

help for morgellons I am so happy to find this site! I started my first week with the salt (1/4 tsp 2 times a day,borax 1/8 a tsp 2times a day in water) and my lesions are almost cured! No one seems to have posted yet about citrus mouthwash, I soak cotten pads in it and tie to my face with a bandana, it pulls the surface critters out. I don't find a difference in the different brands and haven't tried regular mouthwash. This alone is a godsend. I really use a lot of bag balm on my skin. The first time I used it, it made them start crawrling horribly and I had to jump in the shower, it was horrible, so be careful. Also, be careful with raw garlic, the first time I used it I had 911 abdominal pain. How do you access the weekly prayer meeting? Thanks to all contributers to this site, I'm the new kid on the block!
EC: One of the options when you sign up for our newsletter is the weekly prayer/meditation group: An email goes out every Friday or Saturday for that particular group...

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Nan (Austin, Texas) on 03/19/2009:
4 out of 5 stars

In the neverending search for a cure from this "thing", I've done a little checking on some of the cures. All evidence points to the fact that ionic silver is the new standard in silver...Phd's and researchers have found that it works far better than particular (colloidal) silver and that particularly in the stomach when it runs into hydrochloric acid...the ionic works much better. So I'm going to continue on with the seems to help. I also used some aloe vera gel on my face it worked really great and then put on scalp too. Seemed to kill most things or at least bring to surface so I could get rid of them. Try this. I also broke down and bought [cats claw]...had been using Cats Claw for a couple weeks and it helped but not enough. I did notice a difference with the [cats claw], seemed to slow these critters down quite a bit more than the cats claw and generally feel pretty good on has so many health benefits it can't hurt when we have all this garbage going on in our body dropping who knows what toxins inside of us. I started with 5 drops in a small glass of water half hour before meal. We are suppose to have [cats claw] for 12 days and then 12 days off, etc. with something else inbetween. I also take garlic with any food I shouldn't be eating just so they can't enjoy it. Am also back to taking a wormwood, black walnut, clove combo. Thing is this...this isn't going away in two weeks. Most people don't give any particular protocol long enough to work. It may take 6 mos to a year to get rid of this. So don't give up too early, if you see improvement keep at it.
EC: Sorry, had to remove a brand name from this post...

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Kara (Milwaukee, WI) on 02/16/2009:
4 out of 5 stars

morgellons: Been trying the shotgun approach latelly and have seen some definite improvements...seems to be killing off the smaller ones...don't feel in eyes lately so vision improving...

Taking Cats Claw 2x per day, considering 3x per day at 500 mg ea...suppose to be working the best...want to try Samento though that is cCats Claw w/o TOA which improves its performance - but costs 2x as much. also 2 doses daily of Black Walnut Green Hull, Garlic 1500 mg considering going 2x daily on this...also taking Olive Leaf Extract 1-2x a day, Colloidal Silver AM & PM, considering adding a 3rd dose, 1/4 tsp baking soda in water 2x day w/tsp apple cider vinegar. Combination Green Tea, Goji and Ginger (Ginger is said to dissolve worm eggs) 2-3x daily, taking high quality vitamin/mineral I prefer Vitamin World's Green Vitamin, the best I've so far. Plain yogurt adds back flora to the digest tract...While these things haven't disappeared, they do seem weakened - have been on this protocol for less than a weak and feel there is a die-off, but the larger worms will take longer to kill. At night I use tea tree oil, a little oil and hydrogen peroxide with a dab of hand soap to mix these together. I put it all over my body and wrap with glad wrap to keep on all night long - I get good sleep w/this technique, but you need to take garlic before sleep so it drives them to the skin otherwise they just dig into the body to get away from it. Happy Hunting!

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NN (Dallas, Tx) on 02/07/2009:
4 out of 5 stars

In frustration I've decided to attack these buggers with all I have...they do seem to fight back even harder when you attack them though...kind of scary! But here goes, what seems to work...

Cats Claw...saw definite improvement when I started using this the other day, they were becoming quite strong and I needed to try something so this definately pushed them back....they say the alcohol tincture is stronger and that the Samento (Cats Claw w/the TOA taken out which makes it better but much more expensive)...

They say Echinacea works well with Cats Claw and it is an insecticide may kill those bugs...I'm taking Super Echinacea (has all 3 Echinaceas in one tincture)

Also taking Apple Cider Vinegar tabs daily

Black Walnut & Clove & Wormwood wormer...available everywhere

Neem also kills lots of bugs

Olive Leaf Extr or Pau d'Arco are both great antifungals, antivirals and more

Colloidal Silver

Salt/Peroxide Baths I also add some aromatherapy to bubble bath and throw in: Lemon, Eucalyptus, a little clove, lavendar and there are others that are good for parasites

Ginger, Ginsent, Green Tea

Also Garlic tabs...Im taking 1500 mg daily

Silica homeopathic is good for clearing things out of the skin

Nat Phos homeopathic is good for alkalinity worms thrive in acid states

Eat lots of eggs...has sulphur in and is good for adrenals (stress)

Arsenicum Alba homeopathic I have read will cure cutaneous larva migrans, skin maggots and other similar parasites so might work in right dose

Take good quality vitamin I use Vitamin Worlds Green Multi pretty good...keep you healthy while your body is under this attack

Magnesium 500 mg daily

Also taking Sulphur homeopathic 6C 2x daily

1/4 tsp baking soda in glass of water 2x day

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Pam (Waco, TX) on 01/31/2009:
1 out of 5 stars

Have anyone on this site dealt with Morgellons? I can't find medical help and am getting more and more ill daily. I am using Oregano Oil, Tumeric, have tried MSM with no help, taking baths in peroxide and salt. If you have any other suggestions that have worked for you PLEASE reply. Thanks
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Casey (Denver, CO/USA) on 12/21/2008:
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

I am not cured. I am better on some things. I tried the salt and C with regular salt and nothing happened. I have not found salt tablets, the company apparently went belly up. I got rid of the sores with peroxide and salt. I can't stay on the diet, but it does improve things for the few weeks I can do it. For a number of symptoms I use chuan xin lian, 4.00 at the vietnamese herbal store. Just chuan xin lian, not the mixture with other herbs. 4 pills 3x daily. It is an antiviral,antibiotic. The Chinese use it for spirochete diseses like leptospirosis and syphilis. Peroxide baths:1 large Wal-Mart peroxide plus 1salt container full. I think both are roughly 32 ounces. I had large sores that wouldn't heal and joint pain; vision problems, respiratory problems, fatigue,bouts of violence,depression, problems thinking,concentrating, memory,and I get lost in places I should know. I use coconut oil to moisturize after the baths, and black specs come out of my skin. Once whole black threads and tarry gunk came out after a bath; I wiped this off with paper towel and threw it away. I am pretty sure I got this from bedding.
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