Garlic for Moles

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Shruti (Andhra Pradesh) on 03/07/2016:
1 out of 5 stars

I tried thrice the garlic therapy continuously on one mole. It dried up each time perfectly but when it came out the mole still is intact. It is as if one layer at a time it is coming out. What do I do? Thrice means three layers must have come out but still there's no difference to the mole.. How many more times should I apply it?? Or should I stop?? What am I doing wrong?

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Bonjit (India, Assam) on 11/07/2015:
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I used a garlic for a week to remove my flat face mole but it left a black burning mark. What should I used to remove it?

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Malaika (Slough, Berkshire) on 08/30/2013:
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

I tried to remove a mole using garlic, the mole is half the size it was before and is very dry and hard. The skin around it has become red and inflammed. I decided to stop the garlic treatment. Is there anyway I can reduce the redness?
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Alex (Leicester, Uk) on 06/29/2013:
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Well I wish I googled "garlic burned my face" first before trying this remedy. Actually it's not some kind of garlic miracle that removes moles, just dilute sulfuric (battery) acid from garlic. It can cause up to 3rd degree burns. So after leaving crushed garlic right on the mole overnight, I woke up shocked to notice the 2nd degree burn as a large circle around mole on my face. There was blood and yellowish liquid coming off. Pigmented layer was burnt of the mole but it still appeared rised. Since I had coconut oil, vitamin E at home, I tried these for 2 days without improvement. Luckily then I found that cream Bepanthen from pharmacy will help heal these type of burns within week. With cream, the burned skin AND the MOLE were healed in 4 days.

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Bj (The Woodlands, Tx) on 03/29/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

I pierced a mole and then put a fresh piece of cut garlic on the mole, and secured it with a cotton taped to keep it in place. Did it for 2 days and the mole dried up and fell off. I have successfully done this twice.
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Timothy (Karachi, Sindh) on 08/03/2012:
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I applied garlic for 3 to 4 days and peeled it off in the end... The skin under the mole is puffed and red... Wht should I do?

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Obeybunny (Santa Ana, California, United States Of America) on 06/29/2012:
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

The garlic definitely removed my mole, but there's a grayish discoloration around where the mole was where the garlic pulp spilled over. I was too much of a wuss to peel off the mole once it was shriveled and scabbed, so it took about 10 days to get rid of.

But I still have that gray pigmentation in a big ugly circle. How do I get rid of it?

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***kp (San francisco, California) on 10/11/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I put a shred of garlic clove on my facial mole, it was really small but it was on the tip of my nose & I didnt like it. So yesterday is when I put the garlic and just now I removed the facial mole with a toothpick and I just picked it off. Yes it's kinda painful, but worth it! because it is now gone :)

Sauao (Apia, Samoa) on 02/18/2011:
1 out of 5 stars

I tried garlic at 3 consecutive night on my mole but it started to getting bigger. So I really need to know if there any solution to it. Its getting worse and ugly at the moment. Please what can I do right now?
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Ummi (Yanbou, Madina, Saudi Arabia) on 07/25/2010:
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

Garlic worked but with side effects. I tried the garlic remedy for my facial moles and I did get rid of them in four days. The only problem is my moles were very small like pinhead sized so it was difficult to apply the garlic on just the moles without the surrounding skin. So I burnt my face badly and now have bean sized black scars on my face. I have tried vitamin e oil and cream to fade the scars without success. If anyone here knows how I can fade these black scars without bleaching my face (am african) I would really appreciate.
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