Coconut Oil for Metabolic Syndrome

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Sage (Aurora, CO) on 10/08/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I've been taking coconut oil to help with my insulin resistance. I take about 2 tbsp a day. Here's one of my favorite ways to eat it:

1 tbsp Coconut Oil
1 tbsp Chocolate or Carob chips (fruit juice sweetened if you need to watch your sugars)

Put both in a mug or small pyrex and microwave for 15 seconds or until its just melted or, if you avoid microwaves as I do and have the time, place in shallow boiling water until it melts. Mix well.

Then pour over your favorite ice cream or frozen desert. It'll harden in about 30 seconds. What a treat! And it adds this great mild coconut flavor to it.