Essiac Tea, Boswellia, Apricot Seeds for Meningioma

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Showing 4 Star Reviews

Terri (Washington, Dc) on 11/04/2015
4 out of 5 stars

I was diagnosed with meningioma tumors, head and neck. Doctors are claiming the one in my neck can cause me to be paralyzed and strongly suggesting surgery, without a doubt. I'm terrified of that procedure and prefer a natural cure. I've started Boswellia extract and yes I've noticed a difference in my body, less joint pain.
REPLY   8      

Judith (Noth Bergen New Jersey) on 02/15/2014
4 out of 5 stars

I have a benign meningioma of the brain, had a craniotomy in 2009, had partial resection of the meningioma. Started to take Essiac Tea for 1 month, does help with the pain, instead it cured me of the hemorrhoids, lowered my cholesterol level the bad cholesterol, cured me of a small cyst I had in my nose. Started to take Boswellia Serrata 200mg 1 daily, for 1 month the tumor shrank, very little, does help with the pain. Started to take Pau d Arco, didn't work for me. Started to put on my scalp coconut oil and started to drink coconut daily, for 1 month, didn't work for me. Started to take Cantron for 1 month and then started to take Apricot Seeds or kernels, for 1 month been taking 1 seed daily, they are very bitter. Within six months, I will go for an MRI of the brain to see the results.
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